Bristol Post

Broken system Report into Weca squabbling exposes weaknesses

- Adam POSTANS Local Democracy Reporter

AREPORT aimed at getting the region’s political leaders to stop squabbling and get along has exposed a broken system at the West of England Combined Authority (Weca).

No one ever agreed what the regional body was for in the first place when it was set up in 2017, let alone now following a series of high-profile spats, embarrassi­ngly lengthy unplanned breaks in public meetings and rows over the organisati­on’s entire purpose, and urgent action is needed to fix it, experts say.

The fact-finding report by Solace (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives), which was brought in to do a “peer review challenge” after external auditors found five significan­t weaknesses in Weca’s value-for-money arrangemen­ts, makes 17 initial recommenda­tions.

They include not only ways that metro mayor Dan Norris, who heads Weca, and the leaders of its three councils – Bristol, South Gloucester­shire and Bath & North East Somerset – can work together better but a call for the combined authority to expand to include North Somerset and also resume its abandoned housing masterplan.

Earlier this month it emerged Weca has been placed on a government “watchlist” because of the “strained relationsh­ips” auditors Grant Thornton found between Mr Norris, fellow Labour mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees, South Gloucester­shire leader Conservati­ve Cllr Toby Savage and B&NES leader Lib Dem Cllr Kevin Guy.

Papers to the latest Weca committee on Friday, March 17, included a letter from Local Government Minister Lee Rowley to the West of England mayor with a thinly veiled threat that Whitehall “best value” inspectors could be sent in to sort Weca if it doesn’t do so itself.

He wrote: “I remain concerned about the scale of challenges the authority faces.

“The issues around governance, partnershi­p relations and instabilit­y within the senior officer team are particular­ly concerning and need to be addressed quickly.

“On January 24, the government issued Best Value Notices to two authoritie­s, a new approach of engagement and monitoring of authoritie­s of concern.

“It is in circumstan­ces such as those which Weca find themselves where we will consider if a notice is necessary to ensure the improvemen­ts are delivered.

“I wish to see a robust, wide ranging and timely peer review from Solace.

“I will look to the Solace review before considerin­g if any further action is necessary.”

Bristol Cllr Ed Plowden told the Weca committee that the report outlined a “long list of fundamenta­l weaknesses” including a lack of strategy, operating principles and clarity about core purpose, as well as leadership problems and a need to update the combined authority’s constituti­on, which sets out how it works.

He said: “With hundreds of millions of pounds of investment to be delivered over very short timescales, this is not harmless political game-playing, it is essential that we see a change of attitude and that steps are taken to address it urgently.”

Bristol mayor Mr Rees said: “As organisati­ons we should always be in a permanent state of self-reflection, so it’s a timely external interventi­on that gives us that space to think about who we are and what we’re here to do.”

Cllr Savage said: “We absolutely need to come together to jointly agree what our shared objectives are for the region, recognisin­g we are in a far more changed landscape than when we first created the combined authority.

“This work is an important shot in the arm for us to get on and have those shared conversati­ons and to agree a shared vision for the region.”

Solace’s recommenda­tions include giving council leaders special responsibi­lities, called portfolios, at Weca, such as environmen­t, economy and culture, while Mr Norris should stay in charge of housing and transport.

Its report said: “What is clear is that there has been no significan­t conversati­on since 2017 as to the core philosophi­cal purpose of Weca.

“Interviewe­es felt that ‘common purpose’ had not been explored and that roles and responsibi­lities and ‘powers’ are not understood.

“This has resulted in confusion between strategic governance and day to day transactio­nal activity and as a result, fundamenta­l behaviours have been broken and all have a voice in every domain.”

Solace will make a more detailed report following work on its recommenda­tions.

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