Bristol Post

We should all be talking about space power in the 21st century


POWER stations in space are no longer the product of an author’s wild imaginatio­n, so do not let anyone scoff and claim this technology belongs to Flash Gordon and the realms of science fiction.

Ignore the dunderhead­s who have not kept up with science, technology and engineerin­g, as they are latter day ‘heavier-thanair-machines-will-never-fly’ Neandertha­ls.

Although, do not be surprised if the oil and gas industry blow cold air on the concept, as space technology will certainly challenge a very lucrative market.

Between now and 2028 there will be a huge influx of missions to the Moon that will support the Artemis programme and astronauts returning to the Moon – a new era of exploring the Moon and commercial ventures that will send orbiters, small robotic landers and rovers to the Moon.

NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Systems (CLPS) is a NASA sponsored program to support industries.

Electricit­y from space will qualify as an industry – much more than television from space has over the last 30 years – excelling by being far more effective and eco-friendlier than convention­al terrestria­l power stations, including wind and solar farms.

Recently Sky News had an item entitled Space Power that appraised solar electricit­y from space, which clearly demonstrat­ed the technology would resolve our energy dilemma and certainly not result in ‘Death Rays’ as misguided and misinforme­d protagonis­ts would claim.

We just need a Government that has the foresight, intelligen­ce and the will to seize the opportunit­y afforded by 21st century technology. No doubt, and very sadly dear reader, if you were to ask your political representa­tive their views on the matter, you will probably experience very little knowledge and a lot of waffle.

Dave Haskell by email

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