Bristol Post

King to continue relationsh­ip with city cancer charity


THE King is to continue his patronage of Bristol-based cancer charity Penny Brohn UK. Charles, who first became a patron in 1980, has long supported the organisati­on's personalis­ed care approach.

The monarch's connection with the charity's founders, Penny Brohn and Pat Pilkington, dates to his time as Prince of Wales.

But with the many additional responsibi­lities of being King it was feared he would step away from some of the smaller organisati­ons he had once supported.

Jess Brohn, trustee of Penny Brohn UK and the daughter of founder Penny Brohn, said: “Back in the 80s it was radical to think about a holistic approach to care, but like with many things, Charles was very forwardthi­nking. My mum, Penny Brohn, and her close friend Pat Pilkington approached Charles with their idea for a charity dedicated to holistic cancer care, and he immediatel­y said yes. He has supported the charity so much since then, and when my mum was ill, Charles was unbelievab­ly kind.

“He sent handwritte­n notes and flowers, wishing her well, which meant a lot to her. This confirmati­on of his patronage shows that as he continues treatment for his cancer, he is still thinking of my mum and Pat, and the amazing work we do at Penny Brohn UK.”

She added: “My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1979, and she was immediatel­y looking at how she could support her mind, emotions and soul, not just her body.

“Holistic treatment was not the ‘done thing' in the UK at the time, so she went to a clinic in Germany and then wanted to bring the approach back to this country so that people who wanted more than convention­al medical treatment could access it.

“In 1983, they opened the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, which later became Penny Brohn UK.

“She lived with cancer for 20 years and died in 1999. I'm so proud that the charity continues to support people with cancer and promote a whole-person approach to cancer care, in her name.

“Although we started life as the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, we are a UKwide charity and our support is available for any adult with cancer, completely for free. People with cancer tell us how restorativ­e our services are and how safe, understood and valued they feel.”

The charity has supported thousands of people over the decades, not just those with cancer, but their family and friends too.

Despite the financial challenges posed by the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, Penny Brohn UK remains committed to providing services for people with cancer.

Penny Brohn's chief executive Andrew Hufford said: “To have the support and endorsemen­t of the monarch is amazing for us as a small charity.

“Our priority is listening to people with cancer and ensuring we provide the best possible services for them. In the next few months, we are focusing on offering support around specific issues that people with cancer face, such as fatigue, sleep issues, hormone changes and issues associated with menopause. We are also working hard to ensure that we are supporting men with cancer who report more physical and emotional concerns but are less likely to seek support outside of their convention­al treatment.

“As ever, we would like to continue working with the NHS and other treatment providers so that when someone is diagnosed with cancer, they are immediatel­y informed about how they can build their resilience and have whole-person care. Partnershi­p working will ensure everyone with cancer can find support through Penny Brohn UK.”

 ?? ?? The King, then the Prince of Wales, officially opening Grove House (former location of Penny Brohn UK) in 1983
The King, then the Prince of Wales, officially opening Grove House (former location of Penny Brohn UK) in 1983

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