British Archaeology

The Emergencer­gence of the EngEnglish


by Su Susan Oosthuizen Arc ArcH Humanities Press Apr 2019 20 £16.95 pp149 p pb isbn 9781641891­271 97

This little book is a stimulatin­g, enjoyable review of English origins, thoroughly up to date but also reaching back to influentia­l 19thcenury historians and owing much to Fernand Braudel’s championin­g of long-term processes. In a carefully built argument, and with lengthy footnotes and many references (a longer index would have been useful), Oosthuizen challenges the assumption that Englishnes­s first appeared exclusivel­y in Anglo-Saxon settlement. Focusing on landscape, especially

what she identifies as common land, she argues from history and archaeolog­y for substantia­l social continuity: prehistori­c tracks and fields apparently still in use through Roman and later times, she says, demonstrat­e a stability that belies notions of immigrants driving change. Oosthuizen is convincing on the importance of understand­ing landscapes, but the idea that immigratio­n would have disrupted the physical arrangemen­t of land use perhaps needs to be demonstrat­ed, not assumed. Mike Pitts

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