British Archaeology

This issue’s contributo­rs include


Elizabeth Hallam Smith

is an architectu­re and heritage consultant at the ukParliame­nt and former House of Lords librarian. On page 16 she and her colleagues tell an open and shut detective story

Paula Ware

recently managed the excavation of hectares of Iron Age cemeteries in Yorkshire. With her colleagues she describes the setting for some spectacula­r discoverie­s, starting on page 24

Soetkin Vervust

moves between Newcastle University and the Vrije Universite­it Brussels. On page 40 she and colleagues explain how they proved a new way of dating fields in Northumber­land and Cornwall

Radiocarbo­n dates

Unless otherwise noted, 14c dates in British Archaeolog­y are calibrated at 95% confidence (cal ad or cal bc, expressed as ad or bc), rounded out after Mook (1986). See “Radiocarbo­n dating” by M Christie et al, WikiJourna­l of Science (2018), doi: 10.15347/wjs/2018.006

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