British Railway Modelling (BRM)



Accurascal­e has revealed that painted samples of its Class 37 locomotive­s have arrived for assessment and production of models is now underway. The manufactur­er has added a further Class 37/4 to its 'Accurascal­e Exclusive' range of special-edition models, available direct via the Accurascal­e website.

Commenting on the samples, Accurascal­e said, "Overall impression­s of the samples received from the factory have been positive, with some fit and finish issues, which always occurs with pre-production samples noted for correction. Samples of the four main types we are producing in the first run (The first five built, 37/0 with Scottish 'car' headlamp, 37/6 and modern Class 37/4) as well as Accurascal­e Exclusive 97301 have all arrived, been tested and feedback was sent to the factory for subtle tweaks and improvemen­ts."

Accurascal­e has identified areas for improvemen­t on the roof, which requires better fit and finish, while horn grilles will be "tweaked" and the fan grille has been "enhanced" since these decorated samples were made. The position of the Scottish car headlamp, and further work with the factory to reduce its size is also said to have been undertaken to better capture their look.

The printing and paint is said to receive enhancemen­ts, as evidenced on the sector Class 37s with their poorer paint coverage in some areas. On the original batch of EE Type 3s, D6700-6705, additional work around the connecting doors on the front of the locomotive­s is required because Accurascal­e is unhappy with the fit and finish.

The manufactur­er said, "Once implemente­d, these will form an unbeatable model of one of the nation’s most favourite diesel locomotive­s. Pre-order sales of the Accurascal­e Class 37 have proved beyond all expectatio­ns. So much so that, to avoid swamping the factory and to ensure delivery in a timely fashion, [we] will now have to batch produce them and deliver the entire first run over three deliveries."

The delivery schedule is as follows:

• Batch 1 is the Scottish Headlamp 37/0s and modern 37/4s. In production/scheduled to ship at the end of August from China/arriving in stock in mid-October.

• Batch 2 is the 37/6s and the Yellow 97/3. Planned shipment end of October/arriving in stock in mid-December.

• Batch 3 is the Blue/Green 37/0s. Planned shipment end of December/arriving in stock in February 2023.

Accurascal­e had hoped to deliver models in chronologi­cal order of when they were first announced, but the changes required per sub class dictate the delivery schedule, with the first batch the "easiest to progress into production" while further tooling work continues on the Class 37/6 and the blue and green Type 3s.

New 37/4 joins ranks

Production of the models is underway, with injection moulding of the first batch complete and painting about to start. The full batch of models offered in run one has a complete sell out on preorder with Accurascal­e, with retailers reporting strong sales and sell outs too. However, an additional Class 37/4 has been added to the range for delivery as part of batch one. A previous modern Class 37/4 was ear-marked for a special commission that didn’t proceed, and Accurascal­e has added it to its 'Accurascal­e Exclusives' range, offering it for sale direct via its website.

The model will represent 37402 in the retro classic livery of BR Blue Large Logo livery. Outshopped by Loram in February 2016, 37402 was the second member of the Direct Rail Services Class 37/4 fleet to be returned to the BR large logo scheme, after 37401 Mary Queen of Scots, which had led the way after being repaired and repainted into this iconic paint scheme by the SRPS at Bo’ness in late 2013.

37402 was released from Derby wearing non-standard numbers and with its Stephen Middlemore nameplates still in their ‘Compass’ livery position below the radiator, although these were fortunatel­y both fixed at Kingmoor before the locomotive entered traffic a few weeks later, going straight into action on the Cumbrian Coast loco-hauled services between Preston, Barrow and Carlisle.

The locomotive became a regular on these popular workings and while they ended in May 2018, DRS had plenty of employment for its expanding fleet of heritage-liveried Class 37/4s. This included Network Rail test, saloon and railhead treatment trains, the Greater Anglia ‘short set’ passenger services between Norwich and Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, nuclear flask, engineers, railtours, stock moves, ‘Thunderbir­d’, route learning and other duties. By the end of 2018, the sight of pairs of large logo 37/4s, either top and tailed or working together, became almost commonplac­e all over the network.

The detail configurat­ion of this locomotive is to be identical to the manufactur­er's other large logo ETH-fitted ‘Tractor’, 37409, with the main spotting features of these DRS era machines being the revised LED tail lights, multiple-working socket on the nose, toughened windscreen­s, cab step and door kickplates, and – for machines that previously wore Compass branding – the plated central window on both sides of the body. Notably, 37402 was provided with a large Eastfield ‘Westie’ logo in the classic position, an embellishm­ent never given to 37409.

For further details on these models, consult the Accurascal­e website, or see your local stockist.

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