British Railway Modelling (BRM)



Earlier in March, we broke the news of Accurascal­e’s new suite of tooling for OO gauge/4mm:1ft scale to depict the GER 'Buckjumper' 0-6-0T locomotive­s, (later classes as J67/J68 and J69) under the LNER. A video of the announceme­nt can be watched on Worldof-Railways.

Model prices have been confirmed at £139.99 for DC/DCC-ready versions, and £239.99 for DCC soundfitte­d models, with models expected to arrive with retailers in 2024.

Early 3D-printed prototypes of the models have been witnessed, images of which have been shared. Accurascal­e has paid thanks to the Great Eastern Railway Society for its help with the project, enabling it to reach a greater level of authentici­ty through its photograph­ic archive.

Expected to weigh 260g-275g and run around second degree radius curves, locomotive­s will be equipped with die-cast metal chassis and boiler, fitted with Next18 DCC decoder sockets housed inside the smokebox.

The manufactur­er has stated that models are expected to have a haulage capacity of not less than 1kg, from a standing start, on a 3% incline, while gearing of locomotive­s is arranged to achieve a scale top speed of 50mph.

Five liveries are promised, covering a J67 in early GER ultramarin­e blue as No. 84 (ACC2426), a late BR J69 in lined dark blue representi­ng the Liverpool street pilot as 68619 (ACC2429), a J68 in BR plain black with late crest as 68646 (ACC2428), a J69 in LNER lined black as No. 359 (ACC2427) and a BR J67 in BR black with early emblem as 68535 (ACC2447).

For further details and to read the full specificat­ion of models, visit the Accurascal­e website.

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