British Railway Modelling (BRM)

BRITISH RAILWAYS FIRST GENERATION DMUS, by Hugh Longworth, published by OPC/Crecy. PRICE: £35.00


Hugh Longworth writes mighty tomes, and this is his latest – an updated and expanded edition of an earlier work, published in 2010 (which, much to my shame, I haven’t got, but this latest work more than makes up for that). It is the most-comprehens­ive and detailed work on the history of BR’s first generation DMUs. It’s odd how perception­s change; in my trainspott­ing days, any DMUs which replaced favoured steam, despite some of it being life-expired, were

called by the pejorative epithet ‘Bug-Units’; until the huge advantages given by the forward view sitting behind the driver (providing that the blinds weren’t pulled down) were realised, and spotting the front numberplat­e on a passing steamer became easy. In its mammoth 304 pages, every earlier DMU type is thoroughly described. There are pictures of many of them, some in full colour, showing the myriad of liveries carried down the decades. There is a brief history of each type from the various makers, in their TOPS classifica­tion order, which makes referencin­g easier. This is principall­y a work of reference – the work of reference on the subject, for I know of none more-comprehens­ive. There are also lists of allocation­s, and most-useful (though small) scale drawings, showing, among many other things, seating arrangemen­ts. It will be of immense help to modellers and enthusiast­s too. These first generation DMUs were around for a quite a long time in some cases, particular­ly after refurbishm­ents had taken place. Indeed, even into the mid-’80s, I was delighted to be able to take a photograph of a DMU in GWR chocolate and cream livery! The work also includes rail-buses and the Blue Pullmans. It’s all printed on the finest gloss stock and represents outstandin­g value for money.

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