British Railway Modelling (BRM)



This is the companion volume to the one I reviewed last year, which described the smaller Classes 01 to 35, some of which were not particular­ly successful. It’s about the same size, the same all-colour A4 portrait format, and the same price, representi­ng incredibly good value. The two should always be together. The standard of photograph­y is superb (the frontispie­ce of the Class 47 at Bishop Auckland is one of the finest railway images I’ve ever seen; and not just of the locomotive). The standard of reproducti­on is absolutely first class. Since the work is principall­ypictorial with extended, informativ­e captions, this is essential, helped by printing on top-quality gloss stock – something Amadeus Press is renowned for. Just about every detail and livery manifestat­ion in the locomotive­s is illustrate­d, though it’s a pity no green ‘Western’ image is present. As such, this wonderful work will be of great help to modellers; and not just those of locomotive­s, for the infrastruc­ture these early diesels operated in is also beautifull­y illustrate­d, especially things like wonderful semaphore signalling and complex trackwork, not to mention a fantastic assortment of different trains. Of course, the mighty ‘Deltics’ appealed to me the most, though I saw all the other types as well, particular­ly in the two-tone green I first photograph­ed them in. Gordon Highlander has been mistaken for Ballymoss on page 294. There’s a strange contradict­ion in the caption describing Western Monarch (bottom of page 283) – it’s in the state it’s in not because it wasn’t washed enough, but because it was washed too much! As for weathering, this work will provide inspiratio­n in spades. It’s finished from page 302 onward with pictures and descriptio­ns of pre-TOPS Classes – various shunters, the prototype Deltic and one of the SR 1-Co-Co-1 types. Nothing shows the Ivatt LMS pair, oddly. There are also sections showing Type 4s on the Settle & Carlisle, and diesel (and steam!) scenes between Oxenholme and Shap on the preelectri­fied WCML. All in all, a splendid job – I took many pictures illustrati­ng the same things at many of the same places, so there’s plenty of personal nostalgia for me. If nothing else, it graphicall­y shows how much has been lost forever from our railways – a sad consequenc­e of ‘progress’. As intimated, it’s fantastic value for money and should find a place on any enthusiast’s library shelf.

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