Build It



Disagreeme­nts can and do occur on constructi­on projects, often due to misunderst­andings arising from poor paperwork and undercooke­d pre-contract negotiatio­ns. Where two parties see matters quite differentl­y, a third party is sometimes necessary to intervene and make recommenda­tions. Disputes usually relate to money, time or quality, and a QS could be an ideal candidate to independen­tly advise on cost or quality issues (on both sides of the issue). When it comes to delays, unless the contract or agreement specifical­ly details the time period within which delivery should have taken place, it’s usually very difficult to make a successful claim for compensati­on or consequent­ial costs incurred. A quantity surveyor can help you summarise consequent­ial losses effectivel­y, which might assist with your negotiatio­ns.

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