Build It



If you’re looking to enhance your existing home by adding automated lighting, consider a wireless system.

“Technology that doesn’t require any intrusive works means that it can fit in seamlessly with the decor and cause minimal hassle,” says Steve from Lutron Electronis. Some smart home providers offer a retrofit system designed to work with your existing wiring.

Alternativ­ely, smart bulbs like those provided by Accio Homes (pictured) can offer you a speedy install, without the need for specialist interventi­on. “Our plug-and-play light bulbs work with your existing Wifi, so you don’t need any additional cables. It takes 60 seconds to set up with the app, and the bulbs will fit your existing fixtures,” says Alisha Zhang, the company’s founder and CEO. Some systems might require you to purchase a central hub for devices to communicat­e with, which will increase the price of a DIY solution.

While these are likely to come with different apps and controls, you can bridge the gap with voice assistants, like Amazon Alexa or Google Nest . “Do your research into the brand and how easy it is to set up and integrate,” says Alisha. “The real beauty of a Wifi system is that it’s scalable – you can start with one bulb and expand as your use of space evolves.”

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