Burton Mail

Cryptic crossword



1. Where the best cards are properly looked after (2,4,5) 9. He meant to sort out a hazard to miners (7) 10. Allow somebody to come in to make a confession (5) 11. Byron dolorously includes a musical piece (5) 12. Enlarge widespread epithet in variety (7) 13. System of forces applied to southern lock (6) 15. Brown tribes in disorder (6) 18. You’ll find me in dilapidate­d mines of great size (7) 20 & 7Dn. What the stamp counterfei­ter creates! (5,11) 22. In the main, one tuneful group (5) 23. First of all he’s an expert in oral examinatio­ns (7) 24. Clear profit by the woman’s estates in the country (11)


2. No container sent back for gas (5) 3. An alternativ­e rota’s rearranged for the speakers (7) 4. Prevent the bed getting full up (6) 5. Eastern potentate elected repeatedly (5) 6. The fault of rough tide round the French sea (7) 7. See 20 Across 8. In any case, not absent from any function (2,3,6) 14. Tell a fanciful tale from Cremona (7) 16. A little child with a Spanish princess (7) 17. Put in a business offer that’s certainly not tough (6) 19. Make a scratch score! (5) 21. One surrounded by fat landowner (5)

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