Burton Mail

Mince pie scare shows pet danger



A MISCHIEVOU­S dog could not resist a tempting plate of mince pies and it nearly cost him his life.

One-year-old Belgian Shepherd Mickey was left poisoned by the festive treat which he gobbled down when his owner’s back was turned.

Owner Pauline Warren, from Swadlincot­e, said she didn’t realise just how much of a serious effect mince pies had on dogs, until she investigat­ed using the internet.

She then called Derby’s Pride Veterinary Centre for their advice.

She said: “I knew mince pies, chocolate and Christmas cake are bad for dogs but I didn’t know just how bad mince pies are.

“Once I Googled it, I realised how serious it was. I spoke to a vet at Pride Veterinary Centre who said to bring Mickey in straight away, even though he wasn’t yet showing signs of illness.”

Mickey was taken in and spent the first weekend of December in the care of vets. They made Mickey vomit to get rid of any residual mince pie in his stomach.

If foods such as raisins and currants are consumed by dogs, it can be deadly, potentiall­y causing kidney failure, according to the veteri“We nary practice, based in Riverside Road, Pride Park.

The team also fed Mickey meals containing charcoal to prevent any absorption of toxins into his system.

After 48 hours being given fluids intravenou­sly, a blood test revealed his kidneys were functionin­g normally. At the end of the weekend Mickey was able to go home back to his family.

Mrs Warren, who owns three dogs, said she hasn’t bought a mince pie since the incident.

“I don’t have any mince pies in the house now. I had been buying them a lot but I’ve not bought one since, as I can’t risk Mickey or my other two dogs finding one,” she said.

Debs Smith, senior small animal veterinary surgeon, who was part of the team who treated Mickey, said: “Mickey was one of four dogs treated this weekend for eating something toxic and sadly this is something we see a lot of at this time of year and other holiday times.

“Mickey was given intravenou­s fluids as raisins, sultanas and currants can cause kidney failure. take the ingestion of any toxic ingredient­s very seriously and in the case of raisins and currants where the method of how they can cause such detrimenta­l effect on the kidneys is not understood, we advise treatment if even the smallest amount has been eaten.”

The practice, which is part of the Scarsdale Veterinary Group, wants to issue a warning to pet owners about harmful food during the Christmas period.

Ms Smith said: “There is lots of advice available online about what foods your pets need to avoid this Christmas, but you can always talk to your vet too if you are unsure.

“If you think your pet has eaten something it shouldn’t, contact your vet straight away as the sooner toxins are treated, the better. “We’re so glad Mickey is back to full health and that he will be with his family for Christmas.” Debs Smith

Mickey was given intravenou­s fluids as raisins, sultanas and currants can cause kidney failure.

 ?? SCARSDALE VETS ?? Vets at Scarsdale Vets saved Mickey the dog Caption
SCARSDALE VETS Vets at Scarsdale Vets saved Mickey the dog Caption
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