Burton Mail

Hardwick nets a treble in Belmont win


A HAT-trick from Luke Hardwick steered Belmont Royals to a 4-0 Burton & District Sunday League Division Two victory over Monks Bridge United.

Sam Booth added to the final scoreline for Royals after United had held them to a 1-0 lead at the interval.

Away side Monks Bridge should have taken an early lead. After Daniel Styne’s shot was deflected wide, Josiah Bennett headed the corner over and a golden chance went to waste.

Daniel Shaw dragged his shot wide before Belmont began to settle into the contest and Hardwick was put through by Jack Jones only to be denied by goalkeeper Jack Styne.

Opposite number Nathan Moore was in action again to save a Dom Dunbar volley after 23 minutes but, three minutes later, Hardwick shot Royals into the lead from a Booth through ball.

Jones and Booth were close to adding to the lead but United finished the half strongly with a superb cross from Bennett somehow flying across the six-yard box without anyone getting a touch.

It was 2-0 after 55 minutes when Hardwick was sent clear again to score. United might have pulled a goal back shortly after but Shaw headed over but the game was shifting beyond them after 65 minutes when Hardwick coolly beat the keeper to complete his treble.

Styne kept it at 3-0 with an acrobatic save from Kiernan Shaw before an underhit back pass was intercepte­d by United substitute Joe Linstead but he shot wide.

Booth was set up by Hardwick to net the fourth after 79 minutes. Belmont Royals of the Burton & District Sunday League. Back row from left: R Wileman, D Summers, N Hurst, N Moore (player-manager), L Shaw, W Fairbrothe­r, J Jones. Front row: K Shaw, C Murray, L Hardwick, S Booth, S Harrison, D Wright.

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