Burton Mail

18 new cases in E Staffs


- By RICHARD CASTLE richard.castle@reachplc.com @richardcas­tle85

THERE have been 18 new Covid-19 cases in East Staffordsh­ire since Wednesday, with the total number of cases since the start of the pandemic standing at 1,073.

That means 896 in every 100,000 people in the borough have caught the virus since February.

It compares well against the national figure of 1,017.4. There have now been 572,667 cases in England – a rise of 16,139 in the last 24 hours.

Across Staffordsh­ire, the infection rate is 819.8, with 7,211 cases in total – up from 7,045 the previous day.

Today’s updated figures also show 131 people in the borough have died within 28 days of a positive test, equating to 109.4 in every 100,000 residents.

The borough’s death rate is way above the national number of 68.2 in every 100,000, with 38,404 Covid deaths recorded in England.

It is also above the county-wide rate of 81.4. A total of 716 deaths within 28 days of a positive test have been recorded in Staffordsh­ire.

Here is a run-down of the picture elsewhere in our patch:


In South Derbyshire, there have been 26 new cases, with the total now standing at 774, or 721.6 in every 100,000 people.

That is significan­tly better than the national figure and the Derbyshire­wide infection rate of 843. The total number of cases across the county rose by 219 to 6,548 overnight.

A total of 81 people – or 75.5 in every 100,000 – have died within four weeks of a positive test in South Derbyshire.

That is above the national figure and similar to the overall Derbyshire figure of 73.3, which now includes 588 deaths.


There were 18 new cases in North West Leicesters­hire, where the infection rate is now 622.5 in every 100,000 people – little more than half the national figure.

The death rate is also below the national number, with 56 people – or 54 in every 100,000 – having died withing 28 days of testing positive.

The Leicesters­hire-wide figures are 404 deaths – meaning there have been none in the last 24 hours – at a rate of 57.2; and 6,845 cases at a rate of 969.3.

People across the county have faced a stark warning over the rising infection rate.

With cases of the virus rising fast in Staffordsh­ire, county council bosses have said there is a particular problem in the 16-to-24-year-old age group.

Young adults are being asked to look at the impact Covid-19 may have on their health and that of their friends and family – and on their own plans for their future in education or work.

Health boss Dr Johnny Mcmahon said: “It’s important the full impact of Covid-19 is highlighte­d to young people as we very much see them as part of the solution in tackling Covid-19 here in Staffordsh­ire.

“People in this age group are at high risk of catching the virus, and at high risk of spreading the infection further, because they tend to have lots of contacts.

“While they may well have mild symptoms, their families may not be so fortunate.

“And if the number of cases continues to rise, we will face more and more restrictio­ns which could devastate their future plans for their lives and careers.

“We want to ensure young people in Staffordsh­ire have the opportunit­ies to live happy and prosperous lives with plenty of opportunit­y, and we don’t want coronaviru­s to affect that.”

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