Burton Mail

Shopkeeper Madiha running marathon to honour loved ones lost to cancer


A BURTON mum and shopkeeper is rememberin­g loved ones she has lost to cancer by running a marathon.

As well as close friends, Madiha Jamil lost her grandad, Qurban Tahir, to the diease more than 30 years ago,.

She wants to raise money ey to help Cancer Research UK to continue working on finding treatments for patients.

Madiha will complete the marathon by taking part in short runs throughout October to make up the tally. She intends to run at least a mile a day, with the target being 26.2 miles – the distance tance of a marathon.

The 35-year-old, who runs an Asian clothing shop and beauty salon in Waterloo Street, said: “Cancer is something that affects loads of families and you rarely hear a positive story when it comes to cancer.

“Even though my grandad died a long time ago, I clearly remember how his sudden illness affected his life and the lives of his family too.

“He was well known in Burton and his demise created a huge hole in our family and I want to do something to remember him by.

“I have seen close family members and friends lose their battle with cancer and I want to contribute towards helping Cancer Research UK, who are doing a wonderful job.

“During these testing times, charities have been left to one side and I want to show my support to them as they’re always working hard to help others.

“I have done charity challenges before, like a five-mile winter walk with others but this is the first time I am doing one on my own and I am confident I will get the support of friends and family and reach a good amount.

“I like autumn and I think it is the ideal weather for running as it’s not too warm. I have been going on my runs either early in the morning or late in the evening after I finish work.

“If I stick to my target I will probably run more than a marathon, which is even better as I am starting to enjoy the running.

“The money will be donated directly to the Cancer Research team and so far we have raised more than £300, and still have the rest of the month, which is a terrific amount and I hope to see it increase.

“Even if people can’t donate I would request everyone to take a moment to say a prayer for everyone fighting an illness.

“I really believe in the power of dua (prayer) and I understand not everyone is in a financial position to donate during these tough times, so I’d request they say a prayer.”

To donate, visit https://givepenny. com/madiha_jamil_marathon_ month_

 ??  ?? Madiha Jamil. Inset, her late grandad Qurban Tahir
Madiha Jamil. Inset, her late grandad Qurban Tahir

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