Burton Mail



- By JENNY MOODY jennifer.moody@reachplc.com

A CONSULTANT on the frontline treating coronaviru­s patients has told how the unforgivin­g disease “takes people you don’t expect to die”.

He has laid bare the “extremely emotional” reality seeing people unable to breathe in the intensive care unit at Queen’s Hospital in Burton and the toll it takes on the staff fighting to save lives.

Dr Paul Smith has worked at Queen’s for eight years and is the intensive care consultant, which has seen his world turned upside down as he treats people suffering the worse impact of coronaviru­s daily.

He says his life is filled with heartache, long hours and concerns for his own young family as he sees daily what the virus does to people.

The 46-year-old said: “There have been certain cases that get to you, especially those with the responsibi­lity of a young family.

“The idea of me becoming unwell and leaving my own family is horrible and when you see cases like that it’s distressin­g. I’ve been talking it through with my wife and thinking about it, then we hug and get on with it.

“Last year was one that never wants to be repeated. It’s been exceptiona­lly hard, emotional, difficult and lots of challenges.

“The most difficult was the first case which was Amged El-hawrani, the ear, nose and throat surgeon at Queen’s. I did move him to Leicester to help him. That was hard, and set the tone for the year.

“I’ve seen fit and healthy people come in with this horrible disease. We’re using new treatments not knowing particular­ly if they work. It has not been proven, unlike antibiotic­s for pneumonia when they feel better five days later. Covid generally leaves them with severe lung injury.”

Dr Smith is working at the extreme end of coronaviru­s with patients generally having breathing difficulti­es and low oxygen levels.

The intensive care unit is where they support patients with their breathing and oxygen levels, which includes ventilator­s which can be invasive and non-invasive.

It has led to other health issues for patients, including blood clots which can end up in the lungs, strokes and heart attacks.

Dr Smith said: “It’s a dangerous disease and it takes people you don’t expect to die. It’s a horrible disease that destroys lives and families.

“This wave we have more middleaged people and it’s been extremely challengin­g as they have got young families or working to retirement with their whole life to look forward to and it’s snatched from them.

“We have seen people from 16 to any age - between 50 and 60 mainly. It’s the young people with young families that is particular­ly difficult and emotional.

“It’s had a massive impact on the whole team.”

It has not only had an impact on his work life as Dr Smith has had to adapt to a whole new way of working and seeing the devastatio­n of the virus but also his family life, where he lives with his wife and five children, aged between 16 and nine.

He said: “It’s very challengin­g – I’ve never showered as much as I have done this last year.

“I can be out three or four times a day and every time I have to change my clothes and have a shower.

“My wife is a nurse as well and we have to get moving shifts around and provide childcare for our children, who are all school age.

“Back in May we did discuss me isolating, as many profession­als have had to take that decision, but we felt that I didn’t need to do that.

“I’ve not had a day off in the last two weeks. Everyone is working outside of their comfort zone and we’re all working as a team.

“All of us have been extremely affected by this.”

Dr Smith added that he has no time for those who deny that the virus exists and urged everyone to stick to the rules, with the hope they will be able to get back to doing the things they love.

He said: “If people can’t believe what the news is saying to them and what the doctors are saying then I haven’t got time for them. This is real, the government and doctors would not make this up. “The lockdown does cause economic issues and thousands of people have lost their jobs but we must take measures to save lives and that’s the strategy of the government.”

To those not abiding by the regulation­s, he said: “You wouldn’t go for a walk on a motorway so why bother meeting people and having that party? Don’t take unnecessar­y risks. Hopefully, we can do that later when this is over. It’s frustratin­g when people are critically ill on ICU and they have done that. “If everyone can carry on following the rules, then eventually we can go on holiday again.

“I think that most people are sticking to the rules and would ask them to carry on as it’s working.

“We are starting to see it drop off in hospital admissions, as there is a lag of about four weeks.

“It’s starting to have an effect and if we keep going we’ll be able to have some time in the summer when it gets better. There will be sunshine after the rain and if you get offered the vaccine, please take it.

“It’s been a huge weight off my mind having it and knowing the risk of carrying it home will be a lot lower. The way out of this pandemic is the vaccine and hopefully getting back to a normal society.”

One concern he does have is people who need treatment for other illnesses are not getting themselves checked due to the virus.

Dr Smith said: “We know we’ve got a battle on when this is over and we’re going to have to get on with it without a break.

“If people need medical help I would ask them to call their doctor or NHS 111 as patients are not seeing them but other diseases are rampant as well.”

It’s a dangerous disease and takes people you don’t expect to die. It destroys lives and families.

Dr Paul Smith

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Dr Paul Smith
 ??  ?? Dr Paul Smith at Queen’s Hospital in Burton
Dr Paul Smith at Queen’s Hospital in Burton
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