Burton Mail

Is there anyone who can take on Oscar?


- By HELEN KREFT helen.kreft@reachplc.com

STAFF at the RSPCA in Burton are not giving up on ginger cat Oscar. who no one seems to want, and are determined he will find someone to love him.

The ten-year-old is spending his third stint at the animal shelter in Hillfield Lane, Stretton, after he was recently returned because he bit his latest owner.

Oscar will require a special person to take him on and cannot be around other pets or children, say staff.

He was dubbed the cat no one wanted by the charity because not one single person had taken an interest in him, despite him eagerly spending most of his days trying to get the attention of staff through the glass door to his cage.

An appeal to rehome him in October went viral and was shared 5,000 times from Staffordsh­ire Live’s Facebook page, reaching more than 320,000 people.

And it looked like all Oscar’s prayers had been answered when a new owner quickly came forward. But due to his feisty nature, they have “reluctantl­y” returned him to the shelter.

A spokesman there said: “Oscar is on his third stint with us since September, after being returned again due to his (sometimes) feisty nature. We’re so sad to see Oscar back in the cattery and our mission is to find him his final, 100 per cent, no giving up on him forever home. He was reluctantl­y returned after the lady had the same issue with him attacking her.

“Oscar is a great companion to have around, he is outgoing, adventurou­s and friendly.

“Oscar is not a grumpy guy through and through and 98 per cent of the time he is a chatty and good natured boy who is happy to potter about doing his own thing and pop back over for a quick meow and a head bump to remind you he’s still around.

“He’ll purr excitedly when he sees us in the morning and is far from shy or nervous of people.

However, he has shown an aggressive side on occasion and has unpredicta­ble moments. Over time we think these grumpy outbursts will become fewer and far between, but Oscar’s new owner will need to understand he might always have this streak in him and be prepared to accept him for who he is.

“He is looking for a home where there are no other pets or children, with an owner who is happy to let him do his thing and won’t try to mould him into the perfect cuddly lap cat.

“He will need access to a garden once he has settled as he loves to be out and about and we hope this freedom will also help to limit any frustratio­ns. Please only apply for Oscar if you are up for a challenge as we really do not want to see his next home failing again.”

The RSPCA is rehoming under strict guidelines amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

 ?? RSPCA ?? Oscar bit his most recent owner, forcing her to bring him back to the
RSPCA Oscar bit his most recent owner, forcing her to bring him back to the

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