Burton Mail

High school praised for work during pandemic

- By RICHARD CASTLE richard.castle@reachplc.com @richard castle85

STAFF at a Burton high school have been praised for how their efforts to educate pupils during the pandemic.

At the time of Ofsted’s latest inspection at Branston’s Paget High School, 95 per cent of pupils were having lessons from home and a “small number of staff” were suffering the after-effects of Covid-19.

However, the Burton Road school was praised for keeping lessons as close to the normal curriculum as possible.

It was also lauded for ensuring all sixth formers had laptops and as many other pupils as possible had access to digital learning.

Those who preferred paper or did not have an electronic device saw home learning packs delivered to their homes.

“Clear procedures” were put in place to check up on how students were engaging with remote lessons and test their learning. Art classes were altered so pupils could use everyday household items in their production work. Children with special needs were encouraged to come into school for extra support, while governors were praised for ensuring teachers’ workloads were not overwhelmi­ng.

Inspector Mark Howes wrote: “Leaders and those responsibl­e for governance are taking effective action to provide education in the current circumstan­ces

“Vulnerable pupils and the children of key workers in school follow a similar timetable to those who are working remotely. For vulnerable pupils working at home, leaders check engagement closely to ensure that they access live lessons.

“Vulnerable pupils are engaging with remote learning at a similar level to their peers.

“Staff support pupils in year 11 and students in year 13 well.

“Pupils receive weekly personal, social, health and economic lessons, which focus on coping strategies and mental health support.

“On top of this, leaders provide careers interviews to give pupils careers advice and guidance.

Despite the positives, Mr Howes said lower school pupils were not engaging with remote learning as well as sixth formers. He also revealed Paget had not taught music this academic year because they had been unable to recruit a teacher.

The inspector wrote: “Leaders recognise the importance of pupils accessing the full breath of the national curriculum and the need to return music to the curriculum.

“You have plans to appoint a music teacher as soon as possible.”

The inspection was carried out remotely on February 25 by speaking to senior leaders, pupils, staff, governors and county education bosses.

Mr Howes also looked at samples of online lessons, curriculum plans and staff and parent questionna­ires.

Paget was rated “requires improvemen­t” by Ofsted after full inspection­s in 2015, 2017 and 2019.

Vulnerable pupils and the children of key workers in school follow a similar timetable to those at home.


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Paget High School

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