Burton Mail

EU ‘to take action’ if Brexit deal breached


THE European Union’s top official has warned that the Brexit trade deal has “real teeth” and Brussels will not hesitate to take action if Boris Johnson breaches its terms.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said she hopes the EU will not have to use the measures contained within the agreement.

But she noted concerns in the EU that the UK has not yet fully complied with the terms of the earlier Brexit divorce deal and stressed that “vigilance” will be required in future.

Ms von der Leyen was addressing the European Parliament as MEPS prepared to vote on the Trade and Co-operation Agreement reached with Mr Johnson on Christmas Eve, which governs the way the UK and EU deal with each other.

The deal has been applied provisiona­lly since January 1 but requires the approval of MEPS – who are not expected to oppose it – before it can be ratified.

Ms von der Leyen said: “We know it will not always be easy and there is a lot of vigilance, diligence and hard work ahead.

“But, while today’s vote is obviously an end, it is also the beginning of a new chapter.

“The choice is now whether today’s vote will be the high-water mark of the EU-UK relations for the next decades, or whether we see this as the foundation of a strong and close partnershi­p based on our shared values and interests. Only history will tell what road is taken – although I hope for the latter.”

Relations between the UK and EU have been strained over the applicatio­n of the Northern Ireland Protocol, which governs the post-brexit arrangemen­ts aimed at preventing a hard border with Ireland and was part of the divorce deal signed in January 2020.

Much of the disruption and controvers­y created by the protocol relates to the fact that Great Britain has left the Single Market for goods, while Northern Ireland remains in the EU regulatory zone.

That necessitat­es a significan­t number of documentar­y checks and physical inspection­s on agrifood goods arriving into Northern Ireland from Great Britain.

The UK has unilateral­ly extended grace periods covering areas of the economy including supermarke­t supplies and parcel deliveries to Northern Ireland from Great Britain, meaning post-brexit checks are not yet fully applied – which has triggered a legal dispute with Brussels.

Ms von der Leyen said there is a need for “joint solutions” as “unilateral decisions will get us nowhere”.

But she added there has been “some progress” in talks between commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic and the UK’S Brexit Minister Lord Frost.

 ??  ?? EC president Ursula von der Leyen
EC president Ursula von der Leyen

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