Burton Mail

Driver nearly hits officer


- By JENNY MOODY jennifer.moody@reachplc.com

A DRIVER nearly hit a police officer after failing to stop in a South Derbyshire village.

The woman was driving near to Repton School when she failed to follow a basic stop signal command by officers - and one had to jump out of the way so that he was not hit by the car.

The driver continued and end up manoeuvrin­g into a coned-off area of the road, a spokesman for the Mercia Police Safer Neighbourh­ood Team said.

Officers from the team with in the area on Tuesday, May 11, to direct the traffic through Repton after a bus had broken down.

Police paid the woman a visit at her home and issued a warning for causing alarm, distress or annoyance to the local community.

Police have the power to confiscate the vehicle if a further offence is committed over the next 12 months.

A spokesman for the team, which is an arm of Derbyshire police, said: “Officers from Mercia Safer Neighbourh­ood Team (SNT) were directing traffic in Repton after a bus broke down in the village. “Unfortunat­ely, in almost imperfect synchrony an over-eager wasp decided to secrete itself inside an officer’s golden garb before administer­ing an undesired sting – an occupation­al hazard and the first of the latespring season.

“This should have been a warning for what was to follow.

“Moving on from this metaphoric­al fluorescen­t hornets’ nest, officers resumed traffic duties, near The

Repton School, and were horrified to observe a female driver failing to follow a basic stop signal command. “This resulted in an officer having to jump out of the way as the car narrowly missed him before proceeding to manoeuvre through a coned-off area of the roadway. “Officers subsequent­ly attended the driver’s home address and issued a Section 59 warning notice, under the Police Reform Act (2002).

“The legislatio­n enables police to give people a warning if they are causing alarm, distress or annoyance to the local community. Police have the power to confiscate the vehicle if a further offence is committed over the next 12 months.”

Officers subsequent­ly attended the driver’s home address and issued a Section 59 warning notice.


 ??  ?? Police were directing traffic in Repton when the incident happened
Police were directing traffic in Repton when the incident happened

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