Burton Mail

Successful jab programme has helped ease lockdown

- Heather Wheeler MP for South Derbyshire

CORONAVIRU­S has permeated every aspect of our lives including the recent election. Throughout my political life I have attended numerous election counts but none like the one last week. They are usually busy occasions but social distancing reduced the numbers counting and the numbers able to attend which meant everything took much longer and the buzz was missing.

However, the result, in South Derbyshire and across the country was amazing. For the first time ever the Conservati­ves in South Derbyshire won all of the eight county council seats. We once had “the Magnificen­t Seven” now we have “the Incredible Eight”.

The Labour vote nationally crumbled and sadly it would seem they are unable to grasp why. The previous Leader of the Labour Group on Amber Valley Council said “the voters have let us down”, absolutely no recognitio­n that they have not stepped up to the mark and improved lives for the people they have been representi­ng. What is more, Labour offered nothing for the future to the electorate in the lead up to the election.

The Conservati­ves understand we all want what is best for ourselves and our families. People’s overriding concerns are housing, employment, education and good healthcare and unlike the Labour Party they know that in order to invest in all of these and other things the country’s economy needs to be strong.

In sharp contrast, our Prime Minister and the rest of the Government have been getting on with the task of securing jobs for when restrictio­ns end, investing in projects for the future and are continuing with the successful vaccinatio­n programme.

With two thirds of the adult population now having had at least one jab and the number of infections and hospital admissions down to really low levels, the next stage of lifting the lockdown has been given the go-ahead.

So from Monday we are all able to go the pub or restaurant indoors with up to six people or two households. Although we have been able to sit outdoors at a pub, the poor weather has limited the benefit to landlords, so the new rules are very welcome.

We can visit cinemas and museums and all remaining outdoor entertainm­ent can reopen as can indoor exercise classes. Face coverings will no longer need to be worn in schools and universiti­es.

The most longed for changes are those affecting family life. At long last we will be able to hug one another, a physical contact which has been sorely missed. Thirty people will be able to attend weddings and funeral wakes outdoors or at Covid secure indoor venues and more than two named visitors to care homes will be allowed.

Families can once again go abroad on holiday although there is a traffic light system and which country is green, amber or red depends on infection rates there and any variants which have been discovered so who is on what list will change.

The fact that these changes are going ahead is down to you sticking to the rules and turning up for your vaccinatio­ns in such vast numbers. Thank you

■■The views and opinions of guest columnists do not necessaril­y represent those of either the Burton Mail or its staff

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