Burton Mail

Dancing is not what I do... it is what I am



You two hosted Rise Up With Arts for World Theatre Day earlier this year to raise funds and awareness for arts charities. How did it all come about?

Pasha: We managed to do everything even during the pandemic when everyone was staying away from everyone and we got some talented people – Queen’s Brian May, Emmerdale’s Lisa Riley, Duncan James from Blue, Arlene Phillips, dancers like Kevin Clifton and Robin Windsor – we were very lucky in that respect.

It just shows you that it doesn’t matter what you do in the arts, there are no barriers, we all want to perform and just enjoy being on stage. We came together to support fellow artists working in the industry.

Anya: Even without an audience, it was great. We had Gene Kelly’s wife, Patricia Ward Kelly, as well. I first met her 11 years ago and we have stayed in touch and become close friends over the years.

She came over last year when they unveiled a statue to Gene in Leicester Square in London. I think that was my last time going out before lockdown hit.

There was such a star line-up for the show that you are now streaming a bonus special. What can people expect?

Pasha: There were lots and lots of people taking part in the show and we had lots of bonus material.

It’s amazing. We wanted to create a theatre experience, an event, and when you’ve got performers like (singer and Loose Woman star) Brenda Edwards saying they can come in at a moment’s notice you say ‘You can? You’re sure?’ It was the best.

It was not a normal show getting everyone together, but everyone in the theatre had fun and now we are offering people the chance to see all the bonus material for the first time.

Anya: I remember waking up one morning with the idea for the show and calling Pasha. It was such a gamble asking people and all these top names to perform for nothing, but it became bigger and more beautiful than we imagined.

I must admit it was a hurdle for me to approach such amazing people and ask them to take part. I had to build up my confidence and reach out, but everyone came together.

We had people from musical theatre, the Royal Ballet, Strictly, music – people from all the arts who welcomed the opportunit­y to perform and help others in the arts industry.

When did you two start dancing together?

Anya: We’ve been dancing for about 19 or 20 years. (Laughs) It’s such a long time that you start to lose track. Dancing is not what I do, it is what I am and I’m looking forward to dancing properly again. It

can be difficult to do ballroom dancing without a partner.

How have you both coped during lockdowns?

Pasha: It has been a long time and the longest break I have had from dancing in over 30 years. I started dancing when I was eight and all my energy goes into dancing.

Now I’m getting to do the new dance show Here Come The Boys – one of the first shows opening back in the West End.

Now it’s busy again, but it is always like that. When it rains it pours. Everything is happening at the same time and everything is now booming.

Anya: We went from playing every theatre to nothing overnight – from 100 venues to zero. I must have done about 500 hours of yoga during lockdowns. It was nice to do something different and it worked different muscles to dance.

I’m going to Ireland next to work on a film in Dublin so I’m going to be busy for the next few months, but I’m hoping I will have a day or two to go sightseein­g.

Are you looking forward to being a dad again, Pasha?

Rachel (Riley, of Countdown fame) and I wanted two kids and I’m looking forward to being a dad again. It’s definitely an interestin­g time.

We and our little daughter Maven recently took part in BBC’S new Stay And Play sessions. (Laughs) They say never work with children and animals, but this was more about being a parent.

Being a dad is a new experience for me. If people in the street see you with a little child they come up and want to talk to you about them. I never knew. I’m not sure about inheriting dance talent, but Maven started walking when she was 10 months and when she was 11 months she was dancing. Twirling is her favourite.

■ Rise Up With Arts airs from May 14-16. Go to riseupwith­arts.com for further details

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 ??  ?? Pasha Kovalev and Anya Garnis host Rise Up With Arts an online variety show to raise funds and awareness for arts charities
Pasha Kovalev and Anya Garnis host Rise Up With Arts an online variety show to raise funds and awareness for arts charities
 ??  ?? Brian May and Patricia Ward Kelly
Brian May and Patricia Ward Kelly

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