Burton Mail

Ex-president denies any wrongdoing


FORMER French president Nicolas Sarkozy appeared in court yesterday, denying wrongdoing and showing anger at accusation­s during a trial over the allegedly illegal financing of his unsuccessf­ul 2012 re-election bid.

Mr Sarkozy, 66, is facing allegation­s that he spent almost twice the maximum legal amount of $22.5m (£19.3m) on the presidenti­al race he lost to Socialist Francois Hollande.

Mr Sarkozy, above, made his first appearance yesterday at the trial which started last month.

The Paris court is seeking to determine whether he was aware of the system of false invoices that was meant to cover up the overspendi­ng.

DERBYSHIRE patients who continue to experience symptoms following Covid-19 infection can have their rehabilita­tion and support needs assessed via the Post Covid Syndrome Assessment Service, through referral from GPS and hospital consultant­s.

Post covid syndrome, often referred to as “long Covid”, usually presents with clusters of symptoms, often overlappin­g which may change over time and can affect any system within fatigue, brain fog, breathless­ness, persisting high temperatur­e and mental health problems.

Derbyshire’s assessment service is delivered by a multi-disciplina­ry team of doctors, nurses, physiother­apists, occupation­al therapists, dietitians, and specialist mental health input, who jointly assess patients to develop a personalis­ed treatment plan.

A Derbyshire patient who contracted Covid-19 in February 2020 explained how they experience­d shortness of breath, memory problems, severe coughing and pain for months after. Having been made aware of the assessment service, they approached and were referred by their GP to one of the doctors in the Post Covid Assessment Service team.

The patient said: “The doctor was fantastic. They are brilliant. She gave me hope and direction.”

The patient has been assigned a personalis­ed recovery programme incorporat­ing a range of occupation­al health, cognitive and physical wellbeing services and activities.

Steve Lloyd, medical director at NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG, said: “I am proud to work with colleagues from across the Joined Up Care Derbyshire system to implement the post Covid syndrome clinic in such as short space of time, therefore enabling patients to be assessed by a multidisci­plinary team.”

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