Burton Mail


(Serves 6 + 2 leftover portions)



1 butternut squash (1.2kg); Olive oil; 1 onion; 2 cloves of garlic; 4cm piece of ginger; 1tsp coriander seeds; 1tsp fenugreek seeds; 1tsp medium curry powder; 300g ripe cherry tomatoes; 2 tinned pineapple rings in juice; 1 x 400ml tin of light coconut milk; 1 x 400g tin of chickpeas OPTIONAL: 2 sprigs of coriander, to serve

GET AHEAD: You can make this on the day, if you prefer.


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Scrub the squash (there’s no need to peel it), carefully halve it lengthways and deseed, then chop into 2cm chunks.

2. Place in a roasting tray, toss with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt and black pepper, then roast for one hour, or until soft and caramelize­d.

3. Meanwhile, peel and roughly chop the onion, peel the garlic and ginger, and dry fry in a non-stick frying pan on a medium-high heat with the coriander and fenugreek seeds and the curry powder, stirring until lightly charred all over.

4. Add the tomatoes and pineapple rings (reserving the juice), and cook for 10 minutes to soften and char, stirring regularly.

5. Tip it all into a blender, add the coconut milk and blitz until very smooth. Return to the pan, tip in the chickpeas, juice and all, and simmer gently until the sauce is thickened.

6. Stir in the roasted squash, then season the curry to perfection, tasting and tweaking, and loosening with the reserved pineapple juice.

7. Cool, cover and refrigerat­e overnight.

TO SERVE: Preheat the oven to 150°C. Place the covered pan of curry in the oven until hot through – about an hour. Nice with picked coriander leaves.

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