Burton Mail

Swad attempted murder trial off until next year


- By JENNY MOODY jennifer.moody@reachplc.com

A SWADLINCOT­E attempted murder trial will not take place until next year due to delays in dealing with serious cases at the crown court, a judge has said.

It was reported at the hearing of two teenagers accused of attempting to kill a 19-year-old man in Eureka Park, in Swadlincot­e, that the case would not be heard until 2022, despite the charges referring to an alleged incident in June this year.

The judge said that an “influx” of murder cases at Derby Crown Court had led to a number of trials for serious alleged offences being put back by months, including the Swadlincot­e case.

The alleged unnamed victim in this incident, which took place on June 15, this year, had been airlifted to hospital and a police cordon was set up around the park while an investigat­ion was carried out.

Speaking in court, Judge Shaun Smith told prosecutio­n and defence counsel that the trial of Tate O’neill and an unnamed 17-year-old boy will have to start in January 2022, instead of November this year.

“There are simply so many murder cases we cannot find space for it,” he said.

The trial, which had been due to begin on November 29 and was expected to last eight days, is now set to begin on January 31, next year.

O’neill, 18, of Branston Road, Burton, was granted conditiona­l bail ahead of a plea hearing at Derby Crown Court on November 16. His 17-year-old co-accused, who cannot be identified due to his age, was remanded into custody having pleaded not guilty to attempted murder, but guilty to wounding with intent and possession of an offensive weapon, namely a knife.

Speaking at an earlier hearing which was also pushed back, Judge Smith said he had already had to move a number of trials to accommodat­e the number of murder cases.

“The reason we cannot have this case is we do not have a judge or court to hear this case, because of the influx of murder cases,” he said. We simply do not have the courtrooms or judges of sufficient experience to try a case of this type.

“Please believe me when I say I am sorry. This is the way of the world as I know you are aware.”

 ?? ?? Accused appeared at Derby Crown Court on Tuesday, October 5
Accused appeared at Derby Crown Court on Tuesday, October 5

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