Burton Mail

Driving menace is told by judge to ‘grow up’

- By HELEN KREFT helen.kreft@reachplc.com @helen_kreft

A JUDGE has warned a driving menace to “grow up and grow up quickly” after he led police on a terrifying high speed chase along rural lanes.

Andrew Harding reached speeds of 80mph on country lanes around Uttoxeter as he desperatel­y tried to shake off police who were left so shocked by his driving that they abandoned their chase, fearing for the lives of other motorists.

At one point he slammed on his brakes with force as if to cause a crash between him and the pursuing police car, a court has heard.

The 22-year-old later shockingly told police he had been advised not to be in Uttoxeter due to issues surroundin­g his girlfriend and said he would have rather been caught for the traffic offences than be found in the East Staffordsh­ire town, a court heard.

Harding, of Sark Close, Newcastle-underlyme, appeared at Stafford Crown Court on Thursday, November 11, where he pleaded guilty to a charge of driving dangerousl­y through Uttoxeter on June 16.

Carl Templar-vasey, prosecutin­g, told the court that at 10.55pm two police officers in a marked police car were travelling down the A518 towards Uttoxeter when they spotted a Volkswagen Polo [driven by Harding] travelling some distance at excessive speed through a 40mph section of road where roadworks were taking place.

The police only just caught up with the car by driving at 60 to 70mph and the Polo only stopped because it was behind another car.

Mr Templar-vasey told the court: “The police decided they should stop the car and it turned left in Loxley Lane where there is no lighting, then into Bennetts Lane, Bramshall, which is lit. They turned their blue lights on. The car was then doing 50mph in a 30mph speed limit, then into Holly Lane, Uttoxeter, reaching speeds of up to 80mph in a 30mph zone.”

The court was told that in New Road, the Polo slowed down but went straight across a junction. Mercifully, no other vehicles were at the junction, he said.

In Ashbourne Road, the Polo driver ignored a give way sign and did 60mph in a 30mph zone.

He then did not stop at the A50 roundabout, before driving on to B5030 and continuing past ‘road closed’ signs towards Rocester.

Mr Templar-vasey said: “He slowed down and slammed on his brakes with force as if to cause a crash between them [him and the police].

“The police car avoided collision but traded paint.

“One officer said if it wasn’t for the advanced driving of the other officer there could have been a serious collision.”

Police realised the Polo driver seemed to be going round in a large circle with no particular idea of where it was going.

It lost control on two occasions and swerved to other side of the road.

The prosecutor said: “Due to the manner of his driving, the police decided he would lose control and was not going to stop at any cost. They abandoned the chase.”

Police later visited Harding’s girlfriend who lived in Uttoxeter. She told them she was a passenger and he had ignored her pleas to stop.

Harding was located, and in an interview with police he said he had had some issues with his girlfriend and was advised not to go to Uttoxeter.

The prosecutor added: “He accepted police were behind him. He wanted to stop but was with his girlfriend and he thought a traffic offence would be better.” Harding narrowly avoided jail for what he did thanks to pleas by his defence solicitor who told the court: “It is clearly a shocking piece of driving; a lengthy high speed pursuit.

“He is a hardworkin­g young man with a supportive family. He entered a guilty plea and made full admission at the police station.

“It was an isolated incident and he is capable of thinking things through properly.

“He presents a risk to the public but that risk has been dealt with by way of an interim driving ban.

“The combinatio­n of his work ethic and thinking into the future means he is unlikely to trouble the courts again.”

Judge Kristina Montgomery told Harding: “You led police on a protractiv­e and dangerous pursuit in rural and semi-road areas.

“You were prepared to stop at nothing to shake them off, putting yourself at risk, your girlfriend, the lives of the police officers and any other drivers.

“You travelled at excessive speed, failing to give way and risked the lives of other road users.

“You had been back to Uttoxeter which you were advised not to do.

However, I am willing to suspend your sentence due to your remorse, your immaturity, your efforts to repay the debts to your family and the remote possibilit­y of you troubling the courts again.”

Harding was given an eight-month prison sentence which was suspended for 12 months, as well as a two-year driving ban with extended retest and was ordered to pay £340 court costs

The judge added: “Grow up and grow up quickly.”

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