Burton Mail

Cryptic Crossword


Stuck on today’s puzzle? Call 0905 789 4220 (80p/minute) to hear individual clues or the full solution.

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1. Student at the carnival dressed as a scrap merchant (6)

4. Seaman accustomed to being reviled (6)

9. It caters for visitors, so trade rises remarkably about the end of June (7,6)

10. Restricted cover including time change (7)

11. Discourage a bit of crude terminolog­y (5)

12. Two and a bit attached to this (5)

14. See 8 Down

18. In practice, he fills a gap (5)

19. Jotter to pen revised advertisem­ent (4-3)

21. Beef-eaters render it, presumably (6,7)

22. A wave depresser (6)

23. He sets various academic tasks (6)


1. To take stock could produce a result (6)

2. Where syntax is of academic significan­ce? (7,6)

3. Having an inclinatio­n for a joust (5)

5. The scope of the Bard, maybe (7)

6. Twinges of discomfort after rifle practice? (8,5)

7. Dorothy has a short way with the old man! (6)

8 & 14Ac. Temporaril­y hires out a labourer and gives assistance (5,1,4)

13. Associate company manufactur­ed rockethead inside (7)

15. Actor gets a soft bed (6)

16. Serving a purpose – about sunrise, that is (2,3)

17. Don’t these poisonous creatures multiply? (6)

20. Kind of song from a light orchestra (5)

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