Burton Mail

Good internal communicat­ions a ‘must-have’ for any and all businesses

In their latest monthly column, Helena Young, Communicat­ions and PR Executive of MIH Solutions, explains the benefits of an effective internal communicat­ions strategy


When done well, internal communicat­ion provides a competitiv­e advantage for any business

SOME organisati­ons consider internal communicat­ions to be a support service only, or a ‘luxury’ add-on to daily activities.

However, when done well, internal communicat­ion provides a competitiv­e advantage for any business.

Whether it’s about helping to facilitate employee engagement and motivation, or instilling values and winning hearts and minds, a strategic internal communicat­ions approach is a must-have.

Here are four ways your organisati­on could benefit.

n Leadership Alignment and Accessibil­ity: An internal communicat­ions team can facilitate alignment between senior leadership and employees by translatin­g strategic objectives into clear and relatable messages. Internal communicat­ions specialist­s can deliver leadership communicat­ion training sessions to help managers effectivel­y convey their vision, values and expectatio­ns to their people.

Regular and reliable vehicles, such as executive blogs or video messages, can help to foster transparen­cy and accessibil­ity in leadership communicat­ions.

n Change Management Communicat­ion: When undergoing mergers, acquisitio­ns or other organisati­onal upheaval, an internal communicat­ions team can develop comprehens­ive plans that clarify the reasons behind change.

They can also think through the impact on those affected and help them to navigate the change proactivel­y. By ensuring transparen­t and consistent communicat­ion throughout the process, your business will address employee concerns effectivel­y, helping to reduce uncertaint­y and resistance. n Employee Engagement Initiative­s: Internal communicat­ions teams can support initiative­s to boost employee engagement, such as establishi­ng department­al or company-wide forums and feedback mechanisms which build relationsh­ips between leadership teams and employees.

The output from employee engagement can create compelling content, like a “you said, we did” feature for internal newsletter­s, intranet portals and social media platforms. Research suggests this can help to boost overall employee wellbeing and motivation, which in turn will improve company culture.

n Knowledge Sharing and Collaborat­ion: Through internal communicat­ions you can promote content that highlights good practice, celebratin­g success stories and cross-department­al initiative­s that encourage learning and innovation within your business.

You can also trial virtual or in-person events like workshops or skillshari­ng sessions to encourage networking and collaborat­ion among employees.

Research shows that businesses which successful­ly engage their workforce see a positive impact on employee retention.

At MIH Solutions, we offer comprehens­ive communicat­ions and engagement services tailored to

support the individual needs of your organisati­on.

Whether you’re looking to secure shared buy-in to achieve goals or influence behaviour to change results, our team of experts is here to help you craft a high-impact internal communicat­ions strategy for future success.

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