Caernarfon Herald

Growing and sowing a hobby


WE are off to the greenhouse this week for Craft Creations, and talking sowing and growing plants with Lyn Waite.

“I don’t remember when I started growing plants as a child, sowing marigolds and love-in-amist in my own patch by the garden wall.

“However, I do know I have been selling plants in country markets for twenty five years, and it started the same way - sowing seeds. So with too many seedlings I had to find a place to sell them.

“Now I also grow from cuttings and pieces taken from my own stock in the garden and small plants bought in.

“I love cottage garden planting, mixing hardy geraniums in with phlox, aconitum, lupins and day lilies, and if a gap appears I slot in a pot of agapanthus or sunflowers.

“My market year starts in February with snowdrops, daffodils and mixed coloured hellebores.

“Spring and summer brings a wide mix of perennials and some shrubs, until the year ends with bowls of hyacinths for Christmas.

“Talking to people at the markets, I have noticed that we all have the same problems in our gardens which cover a wide range of topics from bad weather - either too hot, too cold or just too wet- too many slugs or snails, and finally, different soil conditions.

“It is nice to exchange ideas, suggest plants for specific areas and hear about other people’s gardens.

“We all look forward to growing new and better plants next year.”

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