Caernarfon Herald



CATHOLIC CHURCH: St David and St Helen Catholic Church, Twthill East, Caernarfon. Weekend masses Sat 6pm. Sunday Masses at Our Lady and St James, Bangor at 10am and 5pm. Father Adrian Moran is the priest at both churches. PENTECOSTA­L: Caernarfon Pentecosta­l Church, 10.30am every Sun at Canolfan Gwyrfai, Cibyn Industrial Estate, with young people’s groups (Creche 0-3yrs, King’s Kids 4-9yrs, Frequency 9-13yrs, Energise 14-17yrs) during the adult service. Wednesday at 5.30pm will be Good News club. For details, contact Mr P Hummel (senior church leader) on 01286 673276. ROYAL WELCH COMRADES ASSOCIATIO­N: Monthly meetings at the Ex-Service Club. First Wednesday every month at 7pm. All ex-service members are welcome. SHELTER CYMRU: Housing advice at the Citizens Advice Bureau on Tues 9.30am-12.30pm. Ring 01248 671005 for an appointmen­t. BRIDGE: Caernarfon Duplicate Bridge Club meets every Friday at 7pm at the library. Phone Clive Emery on 01286 676474. EX-SERVICE: Caernarfon Ex-Service Club is open to new social members. Contact the club steward on 01286 672761 between 7-11pm. BOLLYWOOD INDIAN DANCING: Thursdays, 7.30-8.30pm, at Feed My Lambs Venue. £4.50 adults and £2.50 children. Contact 07827 572842, bollywoodb­ GUIDING: Vacancies for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides, plus teenage and adult volunteers. Contact Lesley Roberts 0758378648­7 T’AI CHI QIGONG: This gentle form of exercise is very effective for relaxation, health and well being and is suitable for all ages and abilities. Classes are relatively informal, relaxed and have an emphasis on enjoyment. Weekly classes - Tues 10.30am-noon and 6.30pm-8pm at the Beacon Climbing Centre, Cibyn Industrial Estate - £5 per session. For informatio­n and to book your place, as numbers are limited, contact Lindsay on 01286 870353. GRŵP YSGRIFENNU: Ydych chi’n ysgrifennu pethau ffeithiol fel bywgraffia­d, neu straeon byrion, cerddi, nofel neu drama yn y Gymraeg, ac yn hunan-nodi fel person anabl ac/neu oes gennych gyflwr iechyd corfforol neu feddyliol hirdymor? Ydych chi’n ffansïo gweithio heb unrhyw gost i chi efo ysgrifennw­yr eraill mewn grp bach cyfeillgar er mwyn datblygu’ch gwaith? Beth am ffeindio allan am grwp newydd arbennig sy’n bwriadu dod at eu gilydd yn ardal Caernarfon bob mis? Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â: denni@dacymru. com neu Ffôn: 029 2055 1040. MAESINCLA EYE: Community Group & Centre, 15 Ffordd Elidir. Cllr Glyn Thomas holds surgery at the Centre on second Wed of the month 6-7.30pm. CAB surgery every Wed 10-1, general advice and benefit check, more info contact Rhian on 0779671294­4. Communitie­s 1st every Tuesday 10am-noon taking Food Co-Op orders and payments, fresh fruit/veg/salad, £3 per bag (collect Friday), Credit Union and Job Club (help in gettinginf­o contact back Eirionaint­o work 0788184829­2.and training) more CYLCHPawb). MaeTI A sesiwnFI: MaesinclaC­ylch Ti (Saflea Fi wythnosolP­las yn 10.45yb.cael ei Croeso gynnal cynnesbob borei rieni, Llun o 9.15yb tan gwarchodwy­r,ymuno yn y sesiynau babanod celf a a phlant chrefft, bach canu,i ac amser baned. stori. Tôst Cyfle a ffrwythaui gymdeithas­uar gael i’r dros plant. Sesiwn wybodaethT­i a cysylltwch­Fi am ddim â (am Nicola ragor neuo Shân ar 01286 662442. TI cael A ei FI gynnal NODDFA: bob Mae bore sesiwndydd MawrthTi a Fi yn 9.30 tan cynnes 11ybi ddodyn Ganolfani gymdeithas­u Noddfa. ac Croesoi chwarae. AGE CYMRU: Gwynedd a Môn supported by BT have again joined forced with Ysgol Sir Hugh Owen to provide free IT classes for older people in the Caernarfon area. Year 11 students are available between 3.30pm-4.30pm every Tues at the school to give one to one informal tutorials for older people, on the use of a computer or tablet irrespecti­ve of their knowledge or ability. For informatio­n call Age Cymru Gwynedd a Mon Offices on 01286 677711 or just call in at the school on Tues at 3.30pm. SALSA DANCING: for beginners at Feed my Lambs, Caernarfon every Wed between 8-9pm. Cost £3. DIGITAL DROP-IN: Digital drop-in sessions at Caernarfon Library, every Wed 11am-1pm. These sessions, led by local volunteers who have been trained by Citizens Online, are open to all, and are designed as introducti­ons to the internet. For details ring 01286 679463. CWMNI COFIS BACH: Tues, free. Drama Club: 3.45-4.45pm year 3-6. 5-6pm years 7-10. Guitar and Drumming Club, Year 4+, 20 minute sessions timetabled between 3.45pm and 7.30pm. Art Club: 3.45-4.30pm, years 0-2; 4.45-5.45, years 3-6; 6pm-7pm, years 7-10. Register on 07765 655 848. CASTLE SQUARE CHURCH: Every Wednesday during the summer, Castle Square Church, will be open between 10.30am and 3pm. There is tea and coffee, music on the organ, and everyone is welcome to call in at any time during the day. SHOW PIGEON SOCIETY: The Caernarfon & District Show Pigeon Society is disbanding and the Committee decided to donate the Society’s assets to Cancer Research UK, Wales Heart Foundation, Alder Hey Children’s Charity, Segontium Rovers Football Team and Caernarfon Starliners Majorette. The Committee wishes to thank all who supported the Society over the years. YOGA: Mae yoga yn dda ar gyfer ymlacio, yn gofalu am yr asgrwn cefn a’r cyhyrau ac yn ffordd dda o gadw’n ystwyth. Bydd sesiynau yoga i dechreuwyr pob pnawn Iau yn cychwyn o Fedi 8, 5 tan 6yh yn Feed My Lambs - £5 y wers. Os am fwy o fanylion cysylltwch a Gwen James ar 07876 540 707. SCOUTS: 1st Caernarfon Scout Group thank Keir Constructi­on for their generous donation of Labour and equipment last Thursday. A huge thank you also to those Scouts and Leaders who turned out to help in repainting the Scout Hut. Another session will be held on Thursday, weather permitting to put the finishing touches to the work, so any assistance is welcome. The group is recruiting Adult Leaders, who would be willing to give a couple of hours of their time each week. Call in between 6:30 and 7pm on either a Monday, Tuesday or Thusday. SAILING CLUB QUIZ: will be held on Wednesday September 14 at 8.30pm. Max 4 per team. You are welcome to come along for this fun event at the clubhouse, The Silent Battery, Victoria Dock. CAERNARFON TOWN TOTE: Numbers on August 21 were 8-10, No winners.

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