Caernarfon Herald

Help wanted to find evacuees


EVACUEE name tags dating back to World War II have been found in an antique shop.

The tags belonging to sisters Valerie and Theodora Keatley were discovered by Bygones antique and collectors shop owner Ian Martin as he rummaged through boxes.

It is thought the children would have been between five and eight years old when they were evacuated from Liverpool to North Wales in the 1940s, and now Mr Martin wants to reunite the women or their family with the tags.

He said: “I was going through a box of stuff I bought recently and the tags were at the bottom.

“I’d love them to be reunited with the ladies or their families. It’s very possible that the sisters are still alive, so it would be great to give them these tags back.

“They should be with the family, that’s their rightful place, but if I can’t find them then I will be giving them to a museum in Liverpool.”

Mr Martin, who only opened his shop in Caernarfon in May, has already been contacted by two museums who would like the tags in their displays.

The grandfathe­r has attempted his own research into the lives of Valerie and Theodora, and discovered the school named on their tags on Clint Road, Liverpool, was demolished in 1976.

He added: “My mother was an evacuee, sent from Birmingham to Leicester when she was seven in 1940. I imagine the sisters would have been around the same age as my mother.

“She talks very fondly about being evacuated, and having heard her stories I’m even more determined to get the name tags back to the family of these women – I know how much it would mean to them.”

During WWII approximat­ely 130,000 were evacuated from Merseyside to protect them from possible bombing.

 ??  ?? ● Ian Martin (top) with the tags from a time when scenes like these (above) were common place in Liverpool
● Ian Martin (top) with the tags from a time when scenes like these (above) were common place in Liverpool

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