Caernarfon Herald

Abandoned by his mum at three weeks... now Robert meets brothers 60 years on


A man abandoned as a baby in a cinema more than 60 years ago has finally found his mother’s resting place in North Wales.

Robert Weston, 61, was three weeks old when he was discovered by a teenager in the ladies toilet of an Odeon cinema in Birmingham in March 1956.

He spent 46 years trying to track down his birth parents, making regular appeals for informatio­n in local newspapers.

Mr Weston discovered he had at least four surviving brothers and a sister on his father Charlie Chalmers’ side, whom he met up with in Banff, Aberdeensh­ire, Scotland, in May of this year.

He also has an older brother, Laurence Aston, who he also met with in Banff, and a half brother, Bryn Jones and half sister Wendy, on his mother’s side, who all live in Caernarfon.

They were found thanks to a researcher specialisi­ng in DNA, named Julia Bell, following a social media appeal for informatio­n.

Last week, as ex-Hurricane Ophelia hit, Mr Weston travelled from his home in Plymouth to visit Caernarfon for the first time and see Laurence and Bryn, who took him to see the grave of their mother, Betty Aston, at Llanfaglan, overlookin­g the Menai Strait.

“It was lovely to be able to stand there by the grave and pay my respects. It was strange to see the grave because I never thought I would find her. I wouldn’t expect she believed I would ever be there either,” he said.

The retired English lecturer said he had never visited Caernarfon before but will be keeping in touch with his family from now on.

Mr Weston told how his father was married with three sons, but left the family home in 1950 seeking work in Rugby, Warwickshi­re. It was here he met factory worker Betty, who lived in a cramped home with her mother, father and uncle, and the pair began an affair. Charlie later returned home to the family home in Scotland and he died in 1996.

Betty moved to North Wales shortly after her son was found abandoned at the cinema and settled down with a local man who raised Larry as his own.

Mr Weston said: “My mother moved from Rugby to live in Caernarfon and got married and Bryn and my sister were born. Tragically, my pics: arwyn roberts mother died when she was just 31 after contractin­g meningitis.”

In 2006, a documentar­y about Mr Weston’s quest led to a reunion with Mavis Smith, the 17-year-old girl who had discovered him while she was on a date with her boyfriend.

His birth had been registered and he had been given the name Paul Kevin Aston. He was later Christened Robert Bruce after the policeman who took him to hospital and the doctor who treated him.

He spent the first seven years of his life in a children’s home in Droitwich and was later adopted and lived in Worcester.

Robert said: “I believe my mother was going through a tragic circumstan­ce in life. I think she was trying to do the best she could.

“It was so strange to meet Larry, the house where he was brought up and his brother and sister. If our mother had kept me I would have travelled to Wales with her. I would be speaking Welsh and it would have been great to grow up here,” he said.

 ??  ?? Brothers Robert Weston (centre), Laurence Aston and their halfbrothe­r Bryn Jones reunited in Caernarfon. Below, by their mother’s grave at Llanfaglan
Brothers Robert Weston (centre), Laurence Aston and their halfbrothe­r Bryn Jones reunited in Caernarfon. Below, by their mother’s grave at Llanfaglan
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