Caernarfon Herald

Jailed over child sex pics... 13 years after he was due to be sentenced


A UNIVERSITY lecturer who moved to China just days before he was due to be sentenced over indecent images of children has finally been jailed more than a decade later.

Michael Geoffrey Murray, of no fixed address but formerly of Arthog near Dolgellau and Lache Lane in Chester, was sent by Dolgellau magistrate­s to Caernarfon Crown Court for sentence in 2005.

He had admitted seven offences of downloadin­g indecent images of children but, two days before the hearing, Murray told his lawyers he was in China.

Now 76, he was arrested last month at Heathrow Airport after returning from China.

Murray, who claimed he downloaded the images for research purposes, then appeared from custody at Caernarfon Crown Court and was jailed for six months.

He returned to court last week and was handed a further eight-week jail term on each of the downloadin­g ng charges, to be served d concurrent­ly but consecutiv­e to the he bail offence.

Judge Huw Rees said: “By the nature and age of the children in the images, it would be easy to conclude e ● they are vulnerarab­le.

“Showing an interest i in such images creates a dema demand to sati satisfy the unhealthy, un degenerad tive ti and l lustful demands of some ppeople. “You shoshould be thorthorou­ghly ashamasham­ed of yourseyour­self.”

Prosecutor Sion ap Mihangel told the court that police searched Murray’s home in Arthog in September 2004 and computer equipment was seized.

“Officers were aware his credit card had been used to pay for access to internet websites where indecent images of children could be viewed,” he said.

An examinatio­n of the computers revealed several thousand indecent images of children had been deleted.

“But 53 images were found on a hard drive,” said Mr ap Mihangel. “These were mainly images of girls aged five to 15 years with most classed at Category C and five images at Category A.

“He was unable to provide an explanatio­n as to what these images were doing on his computer.”

Elen Owen, defending, said Murray had taken up a post at a university in China.

She added he had been studying for nearly 15 years for qualificat­ions for the job.

He had remained in post until 2014, when he retired and moved to Australia. Health issues had then led to him returning initially to China for treatment and later back to Britain.

Ms Owen said a doctor in London had agreed to treat him for cancer upon his release from prison.

Following the sentencing, Detective Chief Inspector Brian Kearney of North Wales Police said: “I welcome the sen- tence and hope it will reinforce our commitment to eradicate all forms of child abuse.

“Each and every time an image is taken, uploaded or viewed, a child is abused, and those who commit such vile acts must learn there are victims behind each and every image.

“His sentence also reflects the seriousnes­s with which offences of this sickening nature, no matter when they were committed, are investigat­ed, and justice is served.”

 ??  ?? Michael Geoffrey Murray fled to China just before his hearing
Michael Geoffrey Murray fled to China just before his hearing

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