Caernarfon Herald


- Mari Jones

MULTIPLE speed trap vans will line particular roads in a bid to deter motorists who think they can accelerate once they think they’re in the clear.

GoSafe, the partnershi­p that tries to reduce accidents on the roads, says it wants to make sure drivers don’t speed up once they pass the enforcemen­t vehicles.

A spokesman for GoSafe said: “Currently we may stay at a site for around an hour or so then go, our new strategy means there would be one speed van and we could put another one further along the same route.

“We’ve found with some motorists that when they pass a speed van they think there won’t be another one and then start speeding, but we believe with this new

strategy this would change and motorists would comply with the speed limits along the whole route.”

The new strategy could mean that one van will be enforcing speed, whilst another speed van focuses on mobile phone use. Or both speed.

“The vans are highly liveried to be visible – the presence of street lighting or a relevant speed limit sign should be the reminder to the public that they should comply could focus on with the limit, and they may see a van,” continued the spokesman for GoSafe.

“Our aim through this scheme is to make motorists think about their manner of driving and to drive safely and legally along their entire route.

“We don’t want your money, we want to make Welsh roads safer for everyone.”

The spokesman said there won’t be any new sites added to where the speed vans already go to, and private land will not be used to locate the speed vans.

Across Wales in 2017 there were 4,556 road accidents involving personal injury recorded by the police. One hundred and three people were killed on Welsh Roads, the same number as in 2016.

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