Caernarfon Herald

Slice ’n’ easy

Inspired by Channel 4’s Great British Bake Off? Here are some not-too-tricky recipes to try from Leiths School of Food and Wine



“THIS cake has a soft meringue icing that can be piped or simply swirled on top of the cake, as you choose,” say the chefs at Leiths.

INGREDIENT­S (Serves 6-8)

Oil to grease; 1 lemon; 225g butter, softened; 225g caster sugar; 4 eggs, at room temperatur­e; 225g self-raising flour; 1-2tbsp milk. For the lemon curd: 2 lemons; 120g caster sugar; 50g unsalted butter; 2 eggs For the meringue: 2 egg whites;

110g caster sugar


1. To make the lemon curd, finely grate the zest of both lemons and squeeze the juice. Put the juice in a saucepan with the sugar and butter. Beat the eggs and add them to the pan. 2. Stir the mixture over a low to medium heat until the butter and sugar have melted, then increase the heat until the curd starts to bubble. Strain through a sieve, stir in the lemon zest and cover with cling film.

3. Heat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. Lightly oil two sandwich tins, line each base with a disc of greaseproo­f paper, then lightly brush with oil. Finely grate the lemon zest.

4. Using an electric whisk, cream the butter and sugar together in a medium bowl.

5. Break the eggs into a separate bowl, beat with a fork and gradually add to the creamed mixture.

6. Sift the flour over the creamed mixture and add the lemon zest. Fold in the dry ingredient­s, adding milk to create a dropping consistenc­y. 7. Divide the mixture between the tins and bake in the middle of the oven for 20-30 minutes. Leave in the tins on a wire rack for a few minutes, then turn out onto the wire rack to cool.

8. For the meringue, put the egg whites into a bowl and whisk to stiff peaks. Add the sugar a tablespoon at a time, whisking between each to form stiff peaks.

9. Heat the grill to its highest setting. Sandwich the two sponges together with the cold lemon curd. Decorate the top of the cake with meringue.

10. To finish, either use a cook’s blowtorch to carefully caramelise the top of the meringue to a golden colour or place under the hot grill until the top browns, watching carefully.

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