Caernarfon Herald

District News:

Iwan uses Aberfield genetics to push profits

- Andrew Forgrave

AYOUNG sheep farmer is future proofing his business so that it can survive without current levels of support.

Determined to extract maximum output from minimal inputs, Iwan Jones has placed his faith in Innovis genetics.

Ten years ago he establishe­d his sheep enterprise on 120 acres on the Llyn peninsula after returning home from contract shearing in New Zealand.

Iwan also launched a ewe scanning service and last autumn he took over customers previously served by veteran scanner Emrys Lewis.

He now runs 700 Welsh ewes on permanent rented grassland along with some smaller, shortterm lets.

The emphasis is on a foragebase­d, low management system with Aberfield tups put to two thirds of the flock.

“It’s a case of making the most from my own resources,” said

Iwan. “I started off breeding and selling traditiona­l Welsh Mules in small groups using social media.

“It was a job that took up a lot of time, but that’s where the bulk of the sheep enterprise income came from.

“Since introducin­g the Aberfield, I’ve a ready market for the ewe lambs.

“The majority are weaned in mid-July at 12 weeks, an average 30kg, and they’re all sold within a month.

“In fact, they can all go – up to 300 head, in one day, on one lorry – and in return I receive one payment.

Job done!”

Raised at Llanllawen Fawr, Aberdaron, Iwan is using

EID to record and monitor lamb weights from weaning.

Another tool, to push production, is performanc­e recording – he’s using Innovis data to select for specific traits such as lamb growth rates. “Whilst the Aberfield cross tup lambs are a by-product, they contribute significan­tly to the business,” said Iwan. These lambs are now finishing to target 18.5kg from 12 weeks. The majority are away off forage by November and 80% are within the R specificat­ion. In contrast, our pure Welsh wethers start to finish at lighter weights in November – and less than 60% are within spec.” Iwan’s land management policy has enabled the unit’s carrying capacity to expand from the original 500 to 700 ewes. Each year he reseeds 10 acres with a forage rape chicory mix undersown with a three-year ryegrass ley. This is grazed by finishing lambs. However the “real game changer”, said Iwan, was his decision to send the ewes away on tack. Whilst it’s a painful cheque to write at the time, it completely frees me up for the winter to focus on my scanning business,” he said. “I scan over 120,000 ewes, and it takes me away from home every day for three months.”

Previously he lambed twinbearin­g ewes indoors; nowadays, he has enough grass to lamb the entire flock outdoors shortly after it returns in March.

“There’s also the added factor I don’t have to make any silage which leaves more time for my other work,” said Iwan, who is also Dunbia’s Pen Llŷn fieldsman.

“For example, this season was the first I’ve sheared the 200 pure Welsh ewe lambs we retain as replacemen­ts.”

Covid-19 update: Innovis is replacing its 2020 Aberystwyt­h ram sales with selection days on August 18 and 20.

Booking only – secure a 45-minute selection slot by calling 01970 828236.

 ??  ?? ■ Iwan Jones
■ Iwan Jones

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