Caernarfon Herald

I certainly wouldn’t call myself Dr Dishy

TV’s Dr Hilary Jones’ informed advice and calm manner have become one of the nation’s favourite prescripti­ons during Covid. GABRIELLE FAGAN meets the doctor


MEDICAL expert on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, Dr Hilary Jones has been a hit during the pandemic, dispensing guidance and reassuranc­e to the nation. He’s won acclaim not just for his ability to make sense of the science and Government rules, but for his good looks, and has even been dubbed a ‘Corona crush’ with a cult following on social media.

The 67-year-old father-of-five, who lives in Kent and is married to GMB’s fitness trainer, Dee Thresher, 50, talks about the pandemic, what he believes the future holds for our health, and how he looks after his own health and wellbeing...

How do you feel about being described as a ‘pandemic pin-up’ and ‘silver fox’?

I CERTAINLY wouldn’t use those descriptio­ns myself. It gives Piers [Morgan] a lot of pleasure calling me that, and ‘Dr Dishy’ and teasing me about it. I’d actually call myself a ‘pandemic pensioner’ rather than a ‘pandemic pin-up’!

Seriously, what I do like is that people trust what I say. There are plenty of people out there with extreme views, based on ignorance and scare-mongering, which can either be dangerous or ridiculous­ly reassuring. My mission is really to put a sensible perspectiv­e on the whole thing and tell people what they need to do and how to go about their lives sensibly and safely.

Are people being careful enough?

MOST people are, especially people who’ve been shielding and older people. They’ve been very responsibl­e throughout.

So, by and large, are most young people, but there’s a minority who want to deny the virus even exists, don’t care about the risk because they don’t think it impinges on them, and aren’t particular­ly sympatheti­c about the knock-on effect to other people.

In reality, it could impact on them if they lose their jobs because businesses go to the wall, they haven’t got money, and can’t socialise because of another strict lockdown.

They need to urgently realise everyone needs to play their part.

How is your TV colleague Kate Garraway [her husband Derek Draper is still seriously ill in hospital since contractin­g the virus]?

KATE has spoken very movingly and intelligen­tly about Derek’s situation. He’s still gravely ill and this is still a virus we don’t know much about, so the outlook is uncertain.

But while he’s alive, there is hope. She’s been very strong and whenever she talks about him, she’s very careful to sympathise with everybody else in their situation and thinks about them too. She’s been very inspiring.

How worried have you been about your own health, as you fall into a vulnerable age group?

LUCKILY, I’m a natural optimist and very pragmatic. Being busy and active is very important for me and fortunatel­y I’ve been able to be that throughout this time. I’ve not really experience­d lockdown as I’ve continued going into the TV studio, while taking all the necessary precaution­s, and I’ve been keeping myself as fit as possible with cycling, squash and walking my dog.

How do you think the medical world has coped with the pandemic?

I think medicine has been in shock. We’ve talked [over the years] about the possibilit­y of a pandemic, but I don’t think anybody really believed it. I don’t think anybody really thought that with modern medicine we wouldn’t be able to fix it.

I think eventually we’ll [have an answer], but how effective it will be remains to be seen. One’s hope is that the virus will disappear as mysterious­ly as it came, just like the Spanish flu in 1918 – fingers crossed!

How can we help ourselves stay healthy?

IT’S even more important now for people to exercise. It helps normalise weight, helps people put diabetes in remission, helps protect against heart disease, all of which pre-dispose vulnerabil­ity to Covid-19.

On top of that, exercise helps people’s mental health. Physical activity triggers ‘happy’ hormones which can help boost self-esteem and confidence.

I’d always prefer to prescribe exercise rather than any medication.

How do you relax away from work?

BY spending time with my family. My wife, Dee, and I have been together 10 years, are very close and have so much in common. Between us we have seven kids who are all grown up now, but keep us busy. I’m also a grandfathe­r of three!

The advice I’ve tried to follow is, ‘Don’t let the b*****s get you down!’, always have a sense of humour, don’t take yourself too seriously, and enjoy life.

Dr Hilary Jones supports Powerleagu­e, original and premier provider of commercial smallsided football in the UK, to raise awareness of the positive health impacts of exercise and sport during this time. Visit powerleagu­

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 ??  ?? Dr Hilary Jones says his mission is to put a sensible perspectiv­e on the pandemic
Dr Hilary Jones says his mission is to put a sensible perspectiv­e on the pandemic
 ??  ?? Kate Garraway with her husband, Derek Draper
Kate Garraway with her husband, Derek Draper

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