Caernarfon Herald

Thought for the week

- Pastor David Hatch

OUR beloved Gwrych Castle has become the centre of the nation’s attention, with millions tuning in to see who might cry, “Get me out of here!”

I considered whether I was scared of heights, enclosed spaces, snakes or critters? But then I thought about James and John, the impetuous brothers who were disciples of Jesus wanting to call down fire from heaven on an unwelcomin­g Samaritan village.

Their mother even tried to secure their positions of influence, by asking Jesus whether they could sit on His right and left in His Kingdom?

Jesus had many people who “believed” in Him – they liked His teaching, they certainly enjoyed the miracle food, and were spell bound by the miraculous healings – they believed!

But Jesus wanted “followers” not just believers. Even James and John might have had the wrong idea at first. Once mother asked this infamous question, Jesus then made it plain. “I did not come to be served, but to serve! And to give my life as a ransom for many”. (Matt 20: 26-28)

If her sons were to be a part of His Kingdom, then now was the time to choose.

If they thought it meant Lording it over others, then it was time to cry “Get me out of here!”

But if they were ready to serve – then they would touch the world with the message of “His Kingdom come, His will being done.”

They stayed and touched the world, and John became known as the Apostle of Love living in isolation on the island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation. What will you choose to do?

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