Caernarfon Herald

Determined to focus on help for carers and their rights


FIRSTLY, on behalf of Sian Gwenllian our Senedd Member and myself, may I wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and a better New Year.

At this time our thoughts and best wishes go out in particular to those who serve, health and care workers, the ambulance, fire and police staff whose work never ends and the forces personnel who have been drafted in to help with the covid crisis.

This year I am particular­ly aware of the work of those carers who shoulder so much of the burden of looking after people in their own homes, both those who are paid and the huge army of unpaid carers, mainly older women caring for their loved ones.

About a third of such carers are struggling to make ends meet, 1 in 5 are in debt due to caring and the toll on their physical and mental health is heavy indeed.

These are figures from Carers UK, who know what they are talking about. Now it is a bit early for New Year resolution­s. But for the next year I am determined to focus on the needs of carers and others in Arfon with similar problems, to help them gain the help to which they have a right and to press the Westminste­r government to improve those rights.

I’ll be working with Sian and some of the prospects are good already.

We now have a working Cooperatio­n Agreement between our party and the Welsh government (Sian was our leading negotiator). You will begin to see the effect as the Welsh government announces its budget.

But two things we are particular­ly pleased and proud about are that in Wales there will be free school meals for all primary school children from the next school year, and free childcare will be extended to two year olds.

At a time when the political world in London is full of conflict and failure it is good that in this country at least we are able to face the new Year with some hope. More will be announced soon.

There are 46 points of agreement between Plaid and Labour for action over the next three years.

In the meantime I finish by wishing all those who are suffering now from covid a speedy recovery. And for the rest of us, get jabbed, be safe yourselves and look after others.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd dda i chi gyd.

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