Caernarfon Herald



■ Split dahlia tubers to increase your stock. Make sure to keep a good neck, even a piece of the old stalk and ensure it has at least one eye on the neck or it won’t sprout. On cut ends where there is flesh exposed, dip the tuber in cinnamon – it will help it dry out and stop disease/rotting.

■ Sow broad beans in pots indoors now for planting outdoors in March and April. A sunny windowsill tor a cold greenhouse is ideal for germinatio­n.

■ We’re still in the bare root planting season so now’s the time to plant roses, trees and shrubs inexpensiv­ely, pictured right.

■ Perennials and ornamental grasses that you left over for winter interest can now be cut back before new growth starts.

■ Trim old growth off your evergreen epimediums.

■ Apply a winter wash to fruit trees to tackle overwinter­ing eggs of pests.

 ?? ?? Apply a winter wash to fruit trees
Apply a winter wash to fruit trees
 ?? ?? Plant roses, trees and shrubs
Plant roses, trees and shrubs

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