Caernarfon Herald




6. Wind resulting from unsettled weather (7) 7. The sequence of command (5) 9. Respect for a regal method of self-expression (3) 10. Tense, as all human beings are (9) 12. They suffer periodic reversals in time (11) 15. Diligence with which one may seek a job (11) 17. The publicatio­n that is bound to last (4,5) 19. Growing or burnt timber (3) 21.

An awkward brute to disprove (5) 22. Lacking means of entry? (7)


1. Fish uncooked in the centre... (5)

2. ...and a fish not fit to be served up (3)

3. A friend much changed (4)

4. One who claims to be a teacher? (9)

5. Secures somehow and saves (7)

8. For one to laze is unusual! (6)

11. Shouted loudly and summoned troops to help (6,3)

13. Someone trying to prevent ill-feeling (6)

14. Orator greatly respected by MPs (7)

16. Result is put to wrong use (5)

18. Wicked devil beheaded (4)

20. Reserved pitch (3)

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