Caernarfon Herald

General Knowledge Quiz


1. Which British vocalist released an album entitled Junction Seven

in 1997?

A Steve Winwood B Steve Woods C Steve Weird D Steve Westwood

2. Who wrote Great Expectatio­ns?

A Charles Dickens B Jane Austen C Elizabeth Gaskell D William Thackeray

3. Which 1995 Clint Eastwood

movie was based on a short novel by Robert James Waller?

A The Bridges of Madison County B Mystic River

C A Perfect World

D The Rookie

4. What was TV police surgeon

Dangerfiel­d’s first name? A Richard

B Paul

C Ian

D Roger

5. Which French philosophe­r

coined the term sociology? A Auguste Kante

B Auguste Bentham C Auguste Comte

D Auguste Conrade

6. Which recent festive comedy on Sky saw Suranne Jones star as a modern-day Ebeneezer Scrooge?

A Edwina Scrooge

B Christmas Eve

C Christmas Carole

D The Christmas Spirits 7. Which expression of colonial hostility towards Britain took place in Boston in 1773?

A Boston Tea Party

B Boston Soup Feast

C Boston Coffee Fair

D Boston Bake Sale

8. Which chemical element has the symbol C?

A Cadmium

B Calcium

C Carbon

D Copper

9. Which prime minister

succeeded Anthony Eden?

A Harold Wilson

B Harold Macmillan

C Stanley Baldwin

D Henry Campbell Bannerman 10. Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?

A Anne Earhart

B Amy Earhart

C Alison Earhart

D Amelia Earhart

11. What is the central bank of the USA called?

A Federal Reserve System

B Fort Knox

C Wall Street

D Dow Jones

12. Who had a number one hit

single in 1963 with Glad All Over? A The Dave Clark Five

B The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band C The Rolling Stones

D Bob Dylan

13. What is the name of the temple of Athena on the Acropolis at Athens from which the Elgin Marbles were taken?

A The Panther

B The Pantheon

C The Corintheno­n

D The Parthenon

14. Who wrote Ivanhoe?

A Jane Austen

B Captain Frederick Marryat C Sir Walter Scott

D John Galt

15. Which Russian-born US

biochemist and science fiction writer wrote I, Robot and the Foundation Trilogy?

A Isaac Kamenev

B Isaac Zinoviev

C Isaac Karlov

D Isaac Asimov

 ?? ?? Suranne Jones See Question 6
Suranne Jones See Question 6

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