Cambridge News

Boat Race rowers set aside rivalry in poignant show of sporting unity


- By CHARLOTTE PAGE @journopage

CAMBRIDGE and Oxford will go head to head today (Saturday) as the annual Boat Race returns to the River Thames.

But in the lead-up to the big race, crews set aside rivalries and united to learn the lifesaving skill of CPR.

Cambridge University Boat Club and Oxford University Boat Club rowing squads took time out of their intense training schedules to complete the British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) RevivR training.

Crews are now urging the public to join them by learning CPR in just 15 minutes – using the BHF’s free online tool, RevivR.

The tool means anyone can learn lifesaving CPR skills, anywhere, anytime – with just a mobile phone or tablet and a cushion.

Earlier this month, the British Heart Foundation was announced as the official charity partner for The Gemini Boat Race 2024.

The partnershi­p is particular­ly poignant as it follows the tragic death of Tim Senior, the former chair of The Boat Race Company Limited (BRCL), who died of a cardiac arrest on February 11, 2023.

Tim, who was appointed in April 2021, was uniquely placed as chairman of the boat race having attended and rowed for both Cambridge and Oxford University.

At 51, Tim was still rowing for the Upper Thames Club and had been racing in an eight boat in the Henley Fours and Eights Head on the day he died.

Talking about the tragic day, his wife of 24-years, Sarah Senior, said: “The day it happened my daughter, Lottie, and I had flown to Canada to see my brother.

“As soon as we met him, I could see on his face that something was seriously wrong.

“My son Max had taken a call from one of Tim’s team-mates to say he’d collapsed. He then received another call from a paramedic and then the hospital where he received the devastatin­g news that his father had died.

“Our poor son was the one who had to call everyone to tell them the shocking news.”

The family later found out Tim had suffered a heart attack that triggered the cardiac arrest.

“Tim was given CPR as soon as possible and the paramedics were on the scene immediatel­y,” Sarah continued.

“We are so grateful to everyone for their incredible efforts that day but sadly Tim died on the way to hospital and our lives changed forever.”

It was later found that Tim had ischaemic heart disease and had reduced blood flow to the heart.

He had an atheroma, where a fatty substance had come away from the artery wall and blocked the circulatio­n to his heart, causing him to have a heart attack and subsequent­ly a cardiac arrest.

Talking about the partnershi­p with the BHF, Sarah said: “Tim never thought heart disease would be something that impacted him as he was such a fit man.

“But I know he’d be really proud of us helping to raise awareness now through his story. “I think it’s so important to highlight the fact that heart and circulator­y conditions can impact anyone at any time.

“So many people said to me that Tim was the last person you’d think would have a heart attack or cardiac arrest. “It just goes to show how important it is to value every minute of life.”

Siobhan Cassidy, chair of the Board of BRCL, said: “Losing Tim so suddenly sent shockwaves throughout the rowing community.

“It’s heartwarmi­ng to see the two boat clubs put their intense rivalry aside in the lead-up to the race and unite in Tim’s memory with a shared goal; helping the British Heart Foundation save lives.

“Together the BRCL and BHF want to create a lasting legacy by raising awareness of the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease and improving the chances of survival among spectators of the boat race by encouragin­g them to learn CPR through the BHF’s RevivR app.”

Taking part in team RevivR sessions were Matt Edge from the 2024 Cambridge Men’s squad and Annie Sharp from the 2024 Oxford Women’s squad.

Matt said: “A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at any time, so both Oxford and Cambridge Rowing squads we want to encourage as many people as possible to learn CPR.”

Annie added: “The BHF RevivR tool is super interactiv­e, useful and fun way to help learn CPR and be aware of how to react to save a life.”

Dr Charmaine Griffiths, chief executive at the British Heart Foundation, said: “It’s incredible that the time it takes to complete the 4.25 miles of this famous championsh­ip course is roughly the same time it takes to learn CPR – and I’m sure that even crews would argue, learning CPR is a lot less effort.

“Every moment matters when someone has a cardiac arrest, and being able to step in and perform CPR could be the difference between life and death.

“And with 80 per cent of out-ofhospital cardiac arrests happening in the home, you’re most likely to have to perform CPR on a loved one.

“We’re so grateful for the Oxford and Cambridge Rowing crews for encouragin­g the nation to become lifesavers.

“Taking just 15 minutes out of their busy training schedule really highlights how quick and easy it is to learn the lifesaving skill of CPR with RevivR.”

It’s heartwarmi­ng to see the two clubs set aside their intense rivalry... and unite in Tim’s memory. Siobhan Cassidy

 ?? BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION ?? Tim Senior, former chair of The Boat Race Company Limited, who died of a cardiac arrest in February 2023
BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION Tim Senior, former chair of The Boat Race Company Limited, who died of a cardiac arrest in February 2023
 ?? OLLIE HOLDER/BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION ?? Matt Edge and Jo Matthews learn the practicali­ties
OLLIE HOLDER/BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION Matt Edge and Jo Matthews learn the practicali­ties
 ?? OLLIE HOLDER/BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION ?? From left, Matt Edge, Jo Matthews, Lucy Havard and Orlando Morley learning CPR
OLLIE HOLDER/BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION From left, Matt Edge, Jo Matthews, Lucy Havard and Orlando Morley learning CPR

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