Campaign UK


- Group creative director, Publicis UK

Hello. What a lovely job: telling you what I think about the result of others’ blood, sweat and – almost definitely – tears. I’ve got five ads, all different and good in various ways, some more so. The gooder ones have ideas that make sense and stay intact throughout.

But I’m giving the game away. So let’s start. In no particular order.

EUROSTAR (1). It’s an ad by Somesuch (which features in three of the five ads) so, unsurprisi­ngly, I like it a lot to look at. Even though the borrowed style is well-worn, it’s still a pleasantly crisp and punchy film with a nice, rhythmical wit. By the end, I’ve forgotten the idea, though. The destinatio­n is a travel state of mind. I think. Bit tricksy. Sounds like a tough ask to make it live anywhere other than film.

MCDONALD’S (5). “Shops”. Sharp-but-playful satire, beautifull­y shot, a treasure trove of details. The sort of ad you want to watch again to find something new. And it’s bang-on-brand. Most importantl­y, it made my wife laugh, so it gets my vote, no question. She has a great laugh. Teeny-weeny niggle – could there have been a better way to show the product at the end? I know what the ad is saying, the idea is cast-iron to the last, but (sadly) I still want to see Mcdonald’s coffee looking good…

L’ORÉAL PARIS AND PRINCE’S TRUST (2). Brilliant cause, no question. The stories are powerful, the idea stays together, but the format of casting shots of everyday heroes, intersplic­ed with celebs (because they’re really just like us, you know)… it makes me wonder whether this will cut through. I just wanted the idea to be more about the Prince’s Trust and what they’re actually doing together. It doesn’t help that I’m reviewing this alongside a causal campaign that’ll knock the best of them out of the ring. More of that in a bit.

UNIQLO (3). A lovely and engaging bit of film (Somesuch, of course). But, again, I’m a bit confused by the end of it – breathing skin, evaporatin­g sweat… cityscapes… moody black-and-white cinegraphs. I think I’m being asked to look at Uniqlo differentl­y – as a grown-up, thoughtful brand, maybe. Then I’m being asked to buy some vests. Doesn’t help that the product shot feels like something that had to be reused from another shoot. But, as mentioned, it is a beautiful film and will most likely be memorable.

SPORT ENGLAND (4). Just stunning (Somesuch…). I keep thinking: what would me and the day-wife do with this brief? And I get a bit panicky. I see what the creatives have done with it and I’m just jealous. Arguably one of the toughest briefs out there, answered by one of the most inspiratio­nal campaigns we’ve seen for a while. Building on the success of “This girl can” must have been daunting. But they’ve nailed it. The poem they’ve borrowed is as heartfelt and human as the casting and footage that goes with it. The tone and the pace are gripping. The resulting sense of inspiratio­n is awesome to experience as a viewer. An idea that generously deals out goosebumps from start to finish. An idea that I think can and will – it definitely should – live everywhere.

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