Campbeltown Courier

Flaws in the Save the Gauldrons campaign


Sir, With regard to the debate surroundin­g the proposed fish farm developmen­t at Machrihani­sh, I would like to respond as follows.

As a young person, born and bred in Kintyre, I am very aware of the lack of jobs and the prospect of job creation is vital to help stop depopulati­on.

When the Save the Gauldrons (STG) Facebook campaign began, I followed it with interest as I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. My only qualm with the campaign was its name, as I knew that the Gauldrons was not in any danger so, in this way, the title was misleading.

Many people were also confused and panicked initially, believing the Gauldrons truly was under threat.

It became apparent that rather than informing the community of the correct facts, STG was instead attempting to mislead the public.

To try to allay any misconcept­ions, Mr Feathersto­ne, from Marine Harvest (MH), supplied informatio­n outlining MH’s intentions which gained considerab­le support.

STG stopped all submitted posts to its Facebook page and deleted them, including Mr Feathersto­ne’s.

The only informatio­n remaining was that which had been cherry-picked by STG.

This is frustratin­g as STG continues to demand the truth from MH and implies that MH is not open with the community – ironic as STG refuses to engage in balanced debate.

The proposal for the fish farm would bring £6m worth of investment to the Kintyre area to create and sustain many jobs.

I think STG wants to make people believe that MH is bullying the community by saying give us this area or it will take away jobs.

MH has not said this at all, but has merely stated that it has other areas in Scotland which it has looked at for this developmen­t and if it does not go ahead in Machrihani­sh, it will go ahead elsewhere. Not bullying – fact. The campaign page has recently tried to use birds and goats to further mislead people by insinuatin­g that the developmen­t would destroy habitats.

If this was really the case, the Sea Bird Observator­y staff, sited nearby, would have made the first objection, yet they have not. The Fessenden mast site has also been used as a means to try to stop the developmen­t.

If the campaigner­s are really that bothered about preserving it, why are they only taking an interest in it now?

The proposed developmen­t is nothing more than an agricultur­al shed-type building. These buildings are, by design, intended to blend into their surroundin­gs and such a building would be no different to others sited in agricultur­al areas all over Kintyre.

Despite what STG is purporting, the developmen­t will not disrupt sea views or harm wildlife. It will not take away from the history of the area but rather add more to it and nor will it cut off access to the beautiful Gauldrons bay.

It will create and sustain jobs and pave the way to a more environmen­tally friendly way of farming salmon.

In addition, it may also bring in more tourists to the area than the current fish farm already does.

In a rural area, we should be welcoming investment and relishing the abundance of opportunit­ies it would provide. Jennifer Kelly, Drumlemble.

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