Campbeltown Courier

MSP calls for greater transparen­cy from First Milk


MIKE RUSSELL is calling on First Milk to keep the public informed on decision making affecting Campbeltow­n Creamery.

Following on from Scottish parliament­ary questions he asked Fergus Ewing, cabinet secretary for the rural economy, last Thursday, Mr Russell hopes that the British farmer-owned company will be more open with its plans for the dairy industry in Kintyre.

He said: ‘I was broadly happy with Mr Ewing’s responses, but I want to make sure that First Milk understand their responsibi­lity to the public.

‘There is much greater transparen­cy needed, as the dairy industry is hugely important to Kintyre and stakeholde­rs and the public must remain informed.

‘It is important that our dairy farmers know that the fight to keep milk prices down is ongoing, as it is simply not acceptable that they continue to produce milk below the cost of production.’

Mr Russell lodged a question to the Scottish Government on May 23 asking whether the grants that it provides to First Milk for the continued operation of, and replacemen­t of equipment at, the creamery in Campbeltow­n are conditiona­l and, if so, what these conditions are.

Last Thursday, Mr Ewing replied: ‘All grant awards made by Scottish Ministers to First Milk to support the upgrading of Campbeltow­n creamery are subject to stringent conditions.

‘We recognise the importance of the creamery to the Kintyre dairy community and wider economic interests and will continue to maintain a close dialogue with all parties concerned to see a successful future for cheese-making in Kintyre.’

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