Campbeltown Courier

Profile of a British Holidaymak­er

- spends the most, does the least


A UNIQUE survey looking at the habits and preference­s of 5,000 parents across the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain has revealed that the typical British holidaymak­er spends the most and does the least – with 11per cent of us parting with more than £3,000 for our main family holiday, while almost half of us (48 per cent) spend zero time exercising and one in five (22 per cent) do no sightseein­g or visit cultural hotspots.

Spends the most… The Honda Holiday Habits Survey, carried out by OnePoll to mark the first anniversar­y of Honda’s crossover SUV, the HR-V, found that the UK tops the chart for spending more than £3,000 on the main family holiday, followed in the spend stakes by Germany. Brits also like a drink it seems, with six per cent of us spending between £200 and £500 on alcohol, the majority (93 per cent) spending up to £200, and average spend per head on alcohol on holiday coming in at £78.17, the second highest in Europe.

Does the least… The survey goes on to paint a picture of what the typical Brit does, or doesn’t do, while away. While we are the least likely to exercise or go sightseein­g, the UK also tops Europe for packing no sports or exercise equipment (49 per cent), only a third (32 per cent) rate day trips and places of interest as a holiday priority, while a similar amount (34 per cent) take no books or e-readers.

So if Brits aren’t exercising, sightseein­g or reading, what are we doing? Being the most likely to rate a swimming pool as a priority (35 per cent) and, with 42 per cent of us rating entertainm­ent for children as a priority, lazing around the hotel while the kids play seems to be a popular way of passing the time for British holidaymak­ers. Once again, drinking is also a popular pastime, it seems, with Brits most likely to take alcohol to drink while away (22 per cent). And despite popular belief that we’re a nation of workaholic­s and tablet addicts, Brits are the least likely to cite good wifi as a priority (18 per cent), while 28 per cent pack no laptops or tablets.

Arguing, packing and travelling... With arguing an ever-popular holiday pastime, the survey also looked at the causes of holiday rows, with Brits the most likely in Europe to argue about getting lost (33 per cent) and drinking too much (nine per cent).

We’re also a nation of light packers, it seems, being most likely (11 per cent) to take no suitcases on holiday, and spending the least time packing (2.2 hours). Despite this, we take the longest to completely unpack after the holiday (3.6 days). We are also least likely to take a pet (nine per cent) or food to eat while away (41 per cent).

Perhaps unsurprisi­ngly, being surrounded by water, we spend the least time driving to our holiday destinatio­n (4.7 hours), and driving while on holiday (five hours), compared to our fellow Europeans. The longest-distance holidaymak­ers can be found in France, who spend seven hours travelling to their holiday and a similar amount driving while away.

Philip Webb, head of cars for Honda (UK), comments: ‘What an interestin­g picture of the typical British holidaymak­er this research paints. It seems that as a nation our holidays are about spending quality time together and letting the children enjoy themselves, while we also enjoy our food and drink. It’s good to see that despite the stereotype many of us are taking a break from work while we’re away, and quite an eye-opener to see some of the strange items that people pack.’

Destinatio­ns... The survey goes on to reveal Spain to be the most popular holiday destinatio­n for Brits outside of the UK, with 52 per cent having holidayed there, followed by France (40 per cent) and the USA (22 per cent). Brits are considerab­ly more likely to visit the USA than any of the European countries surveyed, with the closest being Spain where 12 per cent have crossed the pond for a holiday. Making up the list of the top eight destinatio­ns favoured by Brits are Greece (21 per cent), Portugal (17 per cent), Italy (16 per cent), Turkey (13 per cent) and Germany (12 per cent). By contrast, Germans are the least likely to holiday in the UK, with just three per cent having done so.

By comparison... The survey similarly identifies the typical profile of a French, Italian, Spanish and German holidaymak­er, finding the following: France: Bargain hunters, home birds and habitualis­ts. Italy: The most discerning holidaymak­ers in Europe. Spain: Heaviest packers, most active. Germany: Most organised, most discipline­d.

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