Campbeltown Courier

Little evidence of investigat­ion by wrasse firm


Sir, The informatio­n day held by Marine Harvest (MH) failed to provide any justificat­ion for destroying an area much loved by locals and tourists and described by Scottish Natural Heritage as an area of outstandin­g scenic attraction.

Has MH carried out surveys of the plants, animals, archaeolog­y of the area it wishes to destroy? It does not appear to have done so.

MH’s representa­tive could not explain how concreting over an area three times the size of its present facility was environmen­tally friendly.

Has MH investigat­ed thoroughly alternativ­e brownfield sites? Again, it appears not. Mr Feathersto­ne, in his letter to the

Courier claimed to have investigat­ed the MACC site, but no investigat­ion report was available.

Mr Biggin at the informatio­n day claimed that the investigat­ion was carried out by MACC, but that report was not available either.

How can we accept these claims without evidence?

According to Mr Biggin, the MACC site was ruled out because of fear of contaminat­ion from the proximity of another fish farm at the MACC site, yet the proposed developmen­t site is almost equidistan­t from the fish farm.

Are there any guarantees that this is for the long term? None.

In fact, MH has chartered a ship which uses a process called reverse osmosis to make fresh water from seawater. Dousing the salmon on a regular basis with fresh water kills the lice with no need for wrasse.

Finally, does MH really believe that a mural of McTaggart’s work is an acceptable replacemen­t for unspoiled coastline? Valerie Nimmo, Summerhill Crescent, Campbeltow­n.

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