Campbeltown Courier

Is £15.5m for a new grammar school short-changing Kintyre?


AT LAST the first turf has been ceremonial­ly cut and constructi­on is officially underway for the latest incarnatio­n of Campbeltow­n Grammar School.

It is one of two new high schools being built in Argyll and Bute, the other being Oban, at a reported cost of £36 million, which is 2.3 times as much as is being spent in Kintyre.

Oban currently has a roll of 900 and Campbeltow­n is slightly less than half of that but is forecast to grow with the expansion of CS Wind’s operations.

Are the people of Campbeltow­n being short-changed and given an inferior building with perhaps another short lifespan? The answer is certainly yes, as Scottish

Constructi­on News reported, in March, that Morrison Constructi­on had signed a £60 million contract with Argyll and Bute Council.

If the cost of the Oban project is £36 million, it does not take a Higher in maths to work out that Campbeltow­n’s build should be worth £24 million. What is happening to the remaining £8.5 million in funding?

The previous grammar school is long past its best and overdue for replacemen­t. In the town there are two former grammar school buildings which are still going strong. One, Grammar Lodge, was left to decay but was salvageabl­e and has been turned into an upmarket guesthouse. The other is the Community Education Centre which is in daily use.

With some foresight, and by combining the decaying old police station, would it not have been possible to create a town centre grammar school?

Instead it looks like Campbeltow­n is getting another cheap block which will need replacing in 30 years.

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